I'm just doing my comforting duties.

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I'm back again! This took a while to finish and I have literally been so busy so sorry for not posting sooner.

Alright bye!

Once Tom realised he could talk to Harrison through the horcrux and get replies in the form of emotions, the whole situation changed.

Not only for Tom, but also for Harrison himself. The healers were amazed by how much the healing process sped up, they thought that perhaps it was because Harrison finally got the veritaserum out of his system.

Tom suspected that the actual potion had been out of his system for a long time.

Harrison woke up a week before Tom had to leave. He had already scheduled his first meeting, he would go to Germany first, because Germany often doubted England the most, after all they were badly hurt during Grindelwald's era.

Tom had been sitting next to the bed as always, quietly talking to Sirius, who had just gotten back from teaching a class at Hogwarts, Remus was still stuck teaching DADA.

It was when they heard a cough from Harrison that they both looked down, noticing him trying to open his eyes, the light in the room seemed to blind him.

"Harry?" Sirius asked, almost unsure. It was then Harrison decided to open his eyes fully and look around. Tom offered him water, which he had admittedly gotten for himself about an hour ago and then totally forgot about.

"Don't ask me anything, I'm not sure if the potion still works." He muttered, quietly.

"I'm sure you're fine." Tom said, "You've been unconscious for a month."

"Another coma?" Harrison asked, "It didn't feel like a month. The veritaserum kept working I couldn't think without anyone asking me something. Until-"

He looked at Tom who looked surprised, "You could hear me?"

"It cleared the fog everything, it was so strange." Harrison muttered looking at Sirius, "Are the twins okay?"

"They were here with us the whole time, about a week ago Dumbledore forced them to attend classes again."

"And Remus?"

"Is still teaching DADA, he's spending all his free time here with us. Minerva took over most of my classes."

"So you all have been here, together? With Tom?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Tom asked and Harrison rolled his eyes, he seemed tired. Somehow Tom couldn't let go of the fear that, once Harrison went back to sleep his magic would force himself into another magical coma.

"I'm going to get a healer," Tom announced, "They should look at Harrison, perhaps Sirius can take you home already."


Harrison wasn't allowed to leave the hospital for another 48 hours, after which Sirius immediately took him home.

The somewhere around hour 38, Tom thought that perhaps discussing the whole international travel thing could be discussed now, with both Sirius and Harrison.

It was surprisingly easy, Harrison was all in, like Tom expected. It wasn't often you were asked to deal with international politics while still sixteen.

Sirius, however, took longer to convince. Although, not as long as Tom expected, the man seemed to see how big of an opportunity this it was and eventually agreed with an, "Tom you better protect him with everything you have."

And that was that, Tom wasn't sure what Sirius meant, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let anything happen to Harrison, so it wasn't hard to agree.

So when Harrison went home with Sirius, Tom decided to visit McGonagall.

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