Meeting the Potters

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I've been so obsessed with heartstopper the past few days, I've honestly not been writing at all and now I regret it cause I'm at chapter 9, not 10 like I should be lmao.


Merlin had put multiple memory charms on the Dursleys, creating new memories, deleting old ones. Then he had expanded Harrisons room for one day, his parents would come pick him up tomorrow.

He had hugged Harrison, whispering that he would miss him and that there should be a portrait in Hogwarts of him somewhere.

"I'll find it, if anyone knows all the halls in the castle it's me." Harrison said and Merlin laughed, "That's true, kid."

Their goodbye was almost as emotional as Harrisons goodbye with the founders, while he had spend less time with Merlin, Merlin had still be the man who had saved Harrison from a probably very abusive household.

He owed Merlin everything.

And overtime they had become close to, Merlin felt more like his cool uncle than anything else.

He was really gonna miss Merlin.

But he would make them all proud, whatever the fuck that meant. He hadn't even decided what side he was on yet. This war was gonna fuck him over the first few months back here, but he would bring Voldemort back, talk to him and kill him himself if he had to.

It was the only way to find out what he really fought for without other influences.

Now, he had to focus on what would happen tomorrow, though, he would meet his parents.

He looked at his room, it had a simple bed and closet nothing else. That was fine, he would only be here for a bit.

And it sure as hell was better than what he had in the fake memories, he literally slept in a cupboard in those memories, imagine that!

He sat down on the bed and grabbed a book, he had taken some with him so he could at least read something interesting. He also took most of his clothing; both wizard and muggle clothing, knowing he had to pretend he only had muggle clothing at first.

He was still trying to figure out how much he could show his parents and sister tomorrow, knowing that he probably shouldn't know anything about magic except for the few things he could do wandless as a little baby.

"I'll figure it out while I go," Harrison muttered, after all knowing what his sister could do would be a big way to figure out how much of his skills he could show.

He read for a while, but couldn't quite focus on the book. His mind seemed to wander to everything that could go wrong in this new life of his. He knew he would be able to deal with the things normal kids worry about, like school, but he was trying to figure out what he was going to do about his parents, how he should act.

And what to do with the dark lord, he was the only one that knew what really happened that night, well at least he suspected Hope didn't remember a lot.

If only Sal could be with him to give him advice right now, maybe than he'd actually know what to do.

He put down his book and decided to sleep, it was getting pretty late and if he remembered well, Merlin told him that his aunt would wake him up to make breakfast at 7.


Just like Harrison expected the next morning Petunia banged on his door, screaming at him to make breakfast. He came out of bed and quicky changed into some muggle clothing before running downstairs, listening would work better than standing up against them, it was only a few hours after all.

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