"Are you up for another adventure?"

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This one was really tough to finish, I don't know why, so I am sorry it took so long.

There's a lot of intentional flirting ;)


Turns out that Rookwood did indeed have trustworthy people working as unspeakables. Something about the bond of one unspeakable with another being unlike any other bond.

Harrison seriously doubted that, but when Rookwood came to Tom telling him a bunch about different ways to bring people back from the death.

"If you find a way to contact them you can pull them back through the thin layer between life and death." Rookwood said, "Of course, you would need a body, if you don't have one you would just make a ghost- trap the person you are trying to save for eternity."

"That doesn't sound good," Harrison muttered, "The body should still be you know where, right?"

Tom nodded, "We'll have to retrieve it." Tom said, "I also still want to go after Grindelwald. I hope you didn't have a lot planned this break."

"I'll make time for you, Tommy boy." Harrison said, "It'll be fun."

Rookwood looked between them unsure if he should say something else, wait there, or quickly leave. The man had slowly gotten a bit more used to Harrisons presence, but the closeness between Harrison and Tom tends to still freak a lot of people out.

"You are dismissed, Rookwood." Tom said, answering the man's questions for him, "If you find out anything else, tell me immediately."

"Unless you're asleep, you don't like people in that wing." Harrison hissed, remembering when once a brave Death Eater had come into the family wing of this castle.

"That should be obvious," Tom returned, making his hisses longer than usually. Rookwood quickly got up and walked out with a respectful, "Of course, My Lord."

"What was the whole thing about that day anyways?" Harrison asked when the door closed, Tom gave him a confused look, "What day?"

"When I got woken up by you screaming at a poor Death Eater in your personal wing."

"Right, he thought it was smart to report of a group of werewolves." Tom said, "Woke me up just to tell me they were close to Diagon Alley."

"That sounds like a stupid thing to do, did the man have a death wish?" Harrison asked and Tom shrugged, "I honestly don't know, I would not be surprised if he did."

"What did you do about the vampires?"

"I left them alone, but I told Fenrir about them just to be sure." Tom said, "I don't know what the man did, he's not really directly one of my followers, he's more an ally."

"Yet he follows your commands."

"Most people do," Tom said, "You do."

"Only because you would only command me to do something when it's really important." Harrison replied, then to change the subject he said, "We should get the Gaunt ring, with the stone. It would give us an easier way to contact Regulus."

"You think getting the stone is easier than letting you practice your powers?" Tom asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Honestly, yes. Also, the hardest part will be retrieving the body, so why not retrieve another horcrux in the process?"

"It still feels crazy," Tom admitted, "I spent years of my life creating enough horcruxes to make sure I'm immortal, fearing the thought of dying more than slowly losing touch with reality. Now, I am- with your help- reversing all the stupid mistakes, wondering why I ever thought this was a smart idea."

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