They don't have that Hufflepuff loyalty

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I managed to write a lil something while learning for exams (This is scuffed, I wrote it in like 20 sittings and each time I kept forgetting the direction I was aiming for.)

Tom watched in awe as Harrison pulled Tom with him into the darkness, he watched Harrisons confusion, could feel the slight annoyance as Mother Magic admitted she had something to do with this.

"Trying to protect me from what?" Harrison asked.

"Obedience," The voice answered, "The laced essay, it was obedience poison, anyone else would have turned into an obedient golem by now. I've done my best to keep it out, your magic did not react well to my walls. Quite ironic."

"Obedience?" Harrison muttered, "Lily?"

Tom felt the anger brewing on both his and Harrison's side of the link, he was just glad that Harrison had the same immediate reaction.

"Is there a way to get it from his system?" Tom spoke up, surprising both himself and Harrison.

Mother Magic just giggled, Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, too. She said, It will have to work itself out, it's a dosing for a month.

"Can I do anything?" Tom asked, he hated feeling helpless, especially if Harrison was obviously suffering.

Just make sure Harrison doesn't lose himself, Magic replied, I'm sorry for letting the visions overflow, Harrison, truly. But, I'll keep the obedience out, we don't want our stubborn saviour going obedient.

Harrison huffed, "Right, thanks. Fucking Lily, I knew that was bad, I just pushed it to the side."

It was truly a pleasure to talk to the both of you. Magic said, before Tom suddenly 'woke' up if you could even call it that, Magic just banishing them out of that place.

Tom watched as Harrison also startled awake next to him, slightly worried about the mood, as much as Tom himself wanted to go out and stab Lily Potter, he couldn't risk either of them getting caught in this anger.

"Are you alright?" He whispered, as Harrison rubbed his face.

"It's just-" Harrison shook his head, "Every time I think the Potters couldn't get any worse they just go ahead and prove me wrong. But this whole thing feels off, doesn't it?" He looked at Tom, "Lily works together with the man she despises more than she even despises me to poison me supposedly. They made a pact? It just seems so fucking wrong. There's no way Lily Potter, genius, feels the need to work with Pettigrew."

"Unless someone told her to, this could be Dumbledore's work."

"Wouldn't Lily be angry, though, Dumbledore gave away her job to me, her abandoned son? A teenager?" Harrison questioned, "It doesn't add up, we're missing something here and I hate not knowing. Dumbledore is planning something."

"Or Lily is and we have another separate enemy." Tom muttered, "Fuck."

"Pettigrew truly believes she forgave him, made me believe it, too." Harrison said, "I helped her fulfil the prophecy." Harrison hissed, "That's what he said."

"Is it strange to think that Lily didn't have to forgive him, maybe she planned it?" Harrison asked then, "I don't know if she's smart enough to pull that off, though."

Tom nodded, "How about, we kill Pettigrew now, we don't want him escaping on us, then you set one of your followers on Lily and another one on Dumbledore."

"And James." Harrison said, "That man has to have a role in this."

"And until we have answers, just try to focus on not breaking those walls Magic made you, alright?" Tom said, "Don't want anyone besides me to have your obedience." He winked and Harrison scowled.

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