"Magic marked us all,"

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Funsies! (I finished this so quickly, because I realised I have a lot to do for school.)


Harrison had told his family to not plan something really big for his birthday this year, las year had been great, but maybe a bit too much. It made Harrison feel bad that he hadn't even finished the potion for Remus on time.

So when he woke up on his birthday to balloons everywhere, he had been unimpressed to say the least.

When he finally got downstairs and Remus and Sirius were sitting at the table while Fred and George were nowhere to be found, he shot the two men a suspicious look.

"Harrikins!" George came running out of the kitchen, "We are almost done, just give us a bit longer."

"What are you doing?" Harrison asked, but George had already gone back into the kitchen, so instead he turned to Remus and Sirius, who both shrugged while smirking.

"I don't trust any of you, you know that?" Harrison stated and Sirius nodded, "We're aware pup. Just sit down and wait for Fred and George."

Harrison did sit down, unsure if he was going to like whatever the surprise was.

Remus then spoke up, "We invited some of your friends to come over," He said, "I know you didn't want a big party so we're keeping it small, but still having your friends over is nice, right?"

Harrison nodded, "It is, thank you, Moony."

"I helped you know," Sirius said and Harrison stuck his tongue out at him, just as Fred and George walked into the room with a big chocolate cake with candles and all.

"Happy birthday Harrikins!" Fred said, putting the cake down in front of him, "For our favourite little brother."

Harrison laughed, before blowing the candles out, only then noticing the messy green handwritten sentence on the cake.

Happy birthday, Harrikins!

"What's in it," Harrison asked, not trusting anything Fred and George make.

"Oh you know, flour, chocolate, sugar." George shrugged and Harrison rolled his eyes, "I'll eat it without scanning it for any of your pranks, but only because it's my birthday."

"You really do not trust us at all, do you?"

"Are you surprised?" Harrison asked and George shrugged. So Harrison started cutting the cake into pieces with his magic, giving everyone a random piece, if he was going to get pranked so was everyone else.

He took a bite and just when he expected something to happen- well nothing happened.

Besides the taste, Fred and George were good at baking.

"You can trust us," Fred said, "It would be rude to prank you on your birthday."

Harrison raised a single eyebrow and George shrugged, "He makes a point, we have tried before, brother."

"Ah, but Georgie, we're changed men."

George nodded, "That's true."

Harrison was so confused by the entire situation, that he just decided to silently eat his cake and let Fred and George discuss whatever they were discussing without him constantly interrupting.

After the cake breakfast Sirius handed him his present, always wanting to be first.

"Let me explain this," Sirius said, as Harrison opened his present to a blank piece of parchment. "Fred and George have probably told you about the marauders map."

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