Start year two

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Short + not proofread, but I'm tired af so deal with it.

Enjoy :) aha


When it was finally time to go back to Hogwarts, Harrisons only regret is that he didn't return to Gringotts again. He had known he probably wouldn't have the time, but now he knew he wouldn't return till at least December.

"Harrison! We're in here." He heard Pansy said, he spun around and saw her head poking out of a compartment door.

"You're on the front of the Daily Prophet." Blaise said once Harrison sat down and Harrison raised his eyebrows, a silent way of telling the boy to continue talking.

"They say you cursed Lockhart, or well- Rita is the one who wrote it and she wrote it like the man was crazy for thinking such a thing."

"I really should pay that woman more the next interview." Harrison muttered, "I did curse Lockhart, in my defence, everyone thought the guy was annoying."

"Are you kidding? Have you even read his stories, he's a legend!" Tracey said and Harrison snorted, "And a fraud, I will find a way to prove that this school year."

"So you've found a new little project?" Pansy asked, "Can we help with this one?"

"As long as you won't let it distract you from school too much." Harrison smiled at the girl. "So what have you all done the last few weeks of your break?" He asked the group then.

"I went to Italy, met my new stepdad." Blaise said, "Wonder how long he'll be around." Everyone knew Blaise's' mom, she was infamous for always marrying men who would mysteriously die after a while.

"We went to France for a bit." Draco said. The rest of the group had stayed at home, except for Tracey who went to Germany with her family.

"I talked to Voldy a lot, especially after going to Romania" Harrison said then, "And I went to the Founders vaults, there's some disturbing shit in their vaults."

"Oh! How was Romania?" Tracey asked and Harrison smirked, "Turns out, dragons do talk in parseltongue, I basically became a dragon handler for my vacation."

"You got to communicate? With dragons?" Theo, the boy had been reading a book, the whole time till now.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, most of them sadly aren't that smart."

The door to their compartment opened up, Daphne walked in, Millicent trailing behind her. She looked at Harrison, raising an eyebrow. In reply Harrison rolled his eyes, but waved his hand to make the compartment larger, the girl smirked and then sat down.

"So, I ran into some Hufflepuff on the way here," She started, "The girl made it quite clear that I had to directly give this to you, orders from Dumbledore, the girl said. Honestly, I wonder how Dumbledore even gave it to her, but whatever."

She handed Harrison a letter and Harrison scanned it for any type of spells, before carefully opening it. Instead of a simple letter, the letter started floating and talking.

Harrison, my boy.

I request your presence in my office after the feast today, preferably without Severus.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

The letter then exploded into a million pieces of paper, all of them vanished before hitting the ground.

"He really went with the full name," Millicent scowled and Draco shrugged, "At least he didn't put his titles on it, then we would've sat here for an hour just listening to him talking about himself."

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