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After Harrisons birthday Voldemort- Tom and him started talking a lot more, Harrison took the book with him everywhere. They also started experimenting more with their mental link, opening it to see if it can make their communication better, but that didn't have a lot of luck until now.

Harrison was currently talking with the Dark Lord when he felt a hint of amusement, it was pushed all the way to the back of his brain, he ignored it and just continued his story about Salazar and him pranking Godric by changing the whole Gryffindor house colour to a lime green.

The amusement grew when he continued and though he could barely felt it, it was obvious it wasn't his amusement.

Is that your amusement? He paused his story asking the Dark Lord about the emotion that had been there the whole time, well since he started telling his story. It's like I can feel your amusement, but only barely.

The link. Was Tom's response and then he felt a curiosity replace the amusement, I kept the link open, see if it would do anything, turns out it does.

I've never felt this before, though, that's weird.

Open your side of the link. Tom said then and Harrison did, he had it almost completely open already, but kept it closed for a bit of privacy. The emotions in the back of his mind grew stronger.

I can feel it too, now. Appeared on the paper, It really does feel weird.

Ever since then they kept the link open more often, but only when they were writing to each other, not wanting to invade the other's privacy.

After two weeks of almost constantly either writing the Dark Lord or helping Fred and George come up with ideas for the prank shop they wanted to make once they got out of Hogwarts, it was finally time to go to Romania. Harrison checked his stuff multiple times, making sure he wouldn't forget the journal.

If apparating and using the floo was bad, international portkeys were way worse. Sirius had managed to get them a private one, instead of travelling with a group. It was an old scarf, all five of them grabbed it and it suddenly started turning. It took longer than other portkeys, the distance being bigger. By the time they could let go, Harrison was dizzy and sick.

Fred and George managed to almost land on their feet, instead ending up on their knees. Harrison ended up sitting on the ground, while Sirius and Remus had the whole thing figured out and slowly floated down.

"Ugh, I hate magical travel." Harrison groaned, closing his eyes, until it felt like the world wasn't spinning anymore.

"For an exceptional wizard, you are really bad at magical travel." Sirius chuckled and Harrison glared at him, "It's not my fault, magical travel sucks."

Sirius had an amused smile on his face, "Sure it does, kiddo."

"Come let's go to the Dragons Reserve." Harrison muttered, still glaring at Sirius. The portkey had brought them to a town close to the Dragon Reserve, so they decided to walk, this way they could see a small part of Romania, too.

When they entered the Dragon Reserve they immediately spotted a red-head on a broom, playing with some dragon.

"That looks dangerous," Remus muttered, while Fred and George started cheering on their brother.

The red-head stopped to look down and smiled, then quickly dove with his broom, to avoid getting hit by a tail of a dragon.

When Charlie finally got of his broom- sweaty and covered in mud- he walked towards them, "Sorry, I didn't expect you would arrive so soon. I thought you would look around in the little town you guys arrived in. Aiden here wanted attention- he's what we in humans would call a teenager."

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