The Cave

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The end is so rushed here, since I had to finish this now otherwise I would've to wait till next weekend.


"I'm joining the next one, in five days." Harrison announced suddenly, when Sirius and Remus started discussing full moon.

"No-" Sirius started and Harrison sighed, "Please, it will be fine. My animagus form is a literal wolf."

"Harrison-" Remus tried, but Harrison shook his head, "I want to, I need to do this. I need to be able to help somehow. I know you don't like it, but can I try at least once?"

"Harry, please." Sirius said again and Harrison just shot him his best puppy-dog eyes, which Sirius could never say no to.

"Fine, just this once, if it goes well we'll discuss if you can join more often."

"Thank you, Siri." Harrison said, Sirius sighed, "You're going to give me grey hairs."

"You already have some."

"And I look fucking amazing with them."

"This is how I felt when you joined for the first time, Siri." Remus said, "At least Snape gives me wolfsbane now."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have allowed it." Sirius said and Harrison rolled his eyes.

"Don't you have homework or something?" Sirius asked then, making Harrison raise an eyebrow, "Do you even know me?"

"Alright, alright dumb question-"

"Besides, don't you have to grade some essays, like the ones from my class?" Harrison said, winking and Sirius groaned, "Reminder to self; don't start a conversation about school with Harrison."

Harrison laughed, "I'll leave you alone then." He said seriously, standing up.

"Yeah, bye, kiddo."

Harrison rolled his eyes again, then left, honestly that sentence didn't even deserve a response.

And he did have something to get to, some weird meeting Flint called for the quidditch team.

When he entered the changing room- of all places, a meeting there?- he actually managed to look embarrassed while saying, "Sorry for being late."

No one believed that he was actually sorry, though, which was honestly fair.

"Sit down, Black." Flint said.

"Aye, aye captain."

Harrison flopped down on a bench next to Terence, who looked just as confused as him.

"In two weeks is our first match." Flint said, "I know last year went well and we didn't change the team at all, except for reserves, so we should be fine, that doesn't mean we can all chill out now. We are doing more trainings, I don't want any stupid mistakes in the air."

"There's no way you actually called us here for that." Terence said.

"I didn't," Flint said, "Draco Malfoy's dad wanted to buy Draco a way into the team, but when Draco insisted Harrison is a better seeker, which we all agree with of course, he settled with the reserve chaser position. Still giving everyone in this team a new broom."

That's when everyone finally saw all the Nimbus 2001's behind Flint. The fact that no one noticed made Harrison think it had some kind of disillusionment charm on it, but he ignored that.

"Lucius Malfoy just gave this? Because Malfoy got a reserve role?" Montague asked, Flint shrugged, "I was just as surprised as you are. Turns out Draco is fine with Harrison having the seeker role. Not that I would've given it to Draco either way. Everyone can claim one of the brooms now, this broom will be yours. I expect everyone to take care of their brooms well."

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