Polyjuice mission

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I wrote this over the past 2 weeks, sorry for being so slow. I've literally been sick and I had a full damn examweek.

anyways it's all good now. I've been listening to Melanie Martinez, Penelope Scott and Meghan Trainor the whole time while writing this and I'm finally done.


It took two days for Tom to send him the Polyjuice potions- In the two days Harrison had to wait, he and Flint made the 'new' team, basically the old team with new reserves.- when he finally did he also told Harrison about Hope writing in the diary. He also said that no he would not write back, because he wasn't sure if it would actually change anything about the protection spells.

Harrison just send him a quick note back, thanking him for the potions and also saying that it's probably better, to indeed, not reply. Even the slightest change in parselscript could make anyone suspicious. Harrison did not want people to try and break the protection spells, even if it is nearly impossible.

Pansy looked over his shoulder at the letter, then into the box with the carefully placed potions. "He has the potions." She told Daphne, who groaned and let her head fall on the table, Harrison could practically feel the other tables staring at her. Daphne was known for being emotionless and kind of harsh to people who don't know her. Harrison heard people call her 'ice princess' in the halls.

"Look out, people might think you're an actual human being." Pansy whispered, she had obviously noticed the same Harrison had. Lift her head up to very obviously roll her eyes at both of them, then she dropped it on her arms- on the table – once again.

"What did you guys do to break her?" Blaise asked, sitting down next to Daphne, opposite to Harrison.

"Told her Tommy boy sent the Polyjuice."

"Ah, well at least they get to spy on the Gryffindors, get some blackmail."

"That's what I've been saying!" Pansy exclaimed, Daphne groaned. "Come on, Daphne, It won't be so bad."

Daphne sighed, finally sitting up, "I know, it's just-" She scrunched up her nose, "It's Gryffindors- I mean Hope! We have to look around in her room, imagine what we could find there."

"Exactly!" Pansy said, "Imagine what we could find."

Daphne looked at Pansy and shrugged, "Okay, so maybe it won't be too bad."

Pansy gave the girl a smile, before asking, "So how do we get the hair?"

"I'll stun them, keep them stunned till you guys are done, but first we need the password to the common room." Harrison explained, "Damnit, if only Fred and George were still Gryffindors."

"Did I hear passwords?" Terence came up behind them, "Ask Wood, he despises Hope, since she absolutely destroyed their chance of winning any quidditch match."

"Should I be worried about the fact that you just know what we're talking about?" Harrison raised an eyebrow and that's when he noticed the twins behind Terence, one of their shop items in their hands. "I'll take that as a yes."

"It was their idea, to be honest." Terence admitted, "I just wanted to help out, because figuring out passwords suck and I'm pretty sure McGonagall won't just give it to you."

"What about Sirius and Remus, though?" Daphne asked and Harrison shook his head, "They usually only get the passwords from McGonagall when they need it, I don't think she totally trusts Sirius yet."

"Wood it is then." Pansy said and Harrison nodded.

"Don't worry, Wood is a decent guy." Terence said, "Just don't start about quidditch and you'll be fine."

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