First week of classes

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It's wednesday my dudes! :) I literally binged young royals the past few days and now im stressing cause I have to finish chapter 11, ehhh... anyways enjoy :)

The next morning Harrison sat waiting in the common room- with Ebony around his neck- for the other first years, surprisingly Tracey, Daphne and Millicent were the first to join him, then Theo and Blaise- who told them Draco was currently standing in front of a mirror to make sure his hair looked good and that it could still take a while. – Pansy and Draco joined them almost at the same time and lastly Crabbe and Goyle joined them, even though they looked like they just rolled out of bed.

"It's 7.30am, we still have enough time, first class is at 9am, right?" Harrison looked around and all the first years shrugged, so instead he looked at Sal's painting, and Salazar nodded.

Harrison seemed to remember something and hissed, "Oh, by the way, we met when I found your portraits somewhere. That's the story, you guys practically raised me from your portraits, because my muggle family was horrible." Ebony raised his head when Harrison started speaking parseltongue, but pretty quickly noticed that it wasn't him he was talking to so went back to just lounging on Harrisons shoulder.

Salazar smirked, "Smart. I'll tell the others, have fun with your first day of classes. Don't get too bored."

Harrison groaned, "I probably will be, bye, Sal."

"Bye, Little Snake." Harrison scowled at him while Tracey laughed and the others just looked slightly amused, if not still a bit freaked out at the fact that Harrison was this close to Salazar Slytherin.

"Okay, let's go!" Harrison said and the other first years just followed him.

In the great hall their time tables were passed to them and Harrison groaned when he noticed most of his classes were shared with the Gryffindor's, the ones that weren't just with the Gryffindor's were with the whole first year instead.

He looked over at the Gryffindor table and noticed almost none of the younger Gryffindors were here yet. He shrugged it off, the Slytherins were pretty early. And even if Hope and her friends were late, it wasn't his problem.

"What subject are you most excited for, Harrison?" Blaise asked, making him blink a few times before realising he hadn't been paying attention to anything.

"Eh, I quite like potions and duelling. Godric always told me he thinks I would make a great dueller and Salazar loved explaining every small part about potions." He replied, thinking back to the few times he won a duel against Godric.

It had happened a few more times after that first time, but they would still usually end up in a draw.

"What about you guys?" He asked and Blaise said, "I think I would like charms."

Draco was the next to answer, "Potions, Severus always let me help as a little kid."

"I think either charms or transfiguration." Tracey said and Millicent nodded in agreement, but did add, "I would also like DADA."

Crabbe told them he liked DADA and transfiguration, while Goyle- like Draco- enjoyed potions. Crabbe and Goyle were the only two Slytherins Harrison didn't quite see as his friends yet, they didn't seem to speak a lot. Which is probably also the reason he still called them by their last name.

Theo said, "I think I would enjoy herbology and charms."

"I'm curious about History of Magic, I've heard multiple times that it was really boring with the old teacher, but maybe it's fun with Siri- I mean Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin." Harrison said and all the Slytherins noticed his mistake, he muttered, "I remember them from- well when I was one year old." And then stopped talking, instead he started eating.

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