"Regulus, you spoke to him?"

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I'm back, but very busy I can't promise regular updates rn. :(


The few days between Christmas and New Year's always felt like the longest and shortest days of your life. But this year that whole situation changed by one simple letter.

It was from McGonagall, saying that she thought about it and would agree to talk to Tom at least one. In the same letter she told him to come to school three days early to make exams of the past few years, trusting him to be able to do these exams- of year 2,3 and the first few the fourth year made.

Harrison trusted his own abilities enough to immediately say he would be there three days early.

"I get to join you guys after Christmas break," Harrison said to Fred and George during breakfast, which made the twins cheer, while Sirius asked; "She accepted, even with you literally admitting your part of the dark side?"

"Yup, told me she would like to meet Tommy. I'll tell him when I visit him today for the horcrux ritual."

"You're doing the ritual today? I never get told anything anymore." Remus muttered and Harrison laughed, "I didn't tell Sirius either, don't worry." He winked at Remus, knowing damn well the man was referring to him warning Remus about the potion.

"He really didn't." Sirius said, "So you'll be gone till tomorrow?"

Harrison nodded, "The magical exhaustion does not go well with floo travelling."

Sirius nodded, "Be careful."

"You know me," Harrison said and Sirius shook his head, "I mean- with the whole power thing, don't do something crazy, okay?"

Harrison nodded, "I will be, Tom's going to be there the whole time, too. It will be okay."

"And tell us if anything happened."

"I will, stop worrying, Pads."


It had been going so well, he had come to Slytherins castle, bothered Tom for two hours until he finally decided it was time to do the ritual and then-

Then he grabbed the locket.

His lungs slowly filled up with something, it felt like he was drowning in this mystery liquid. He coughed trying to catch a breath, aware of Tom catching him when he fell. Aware of the man asking him what's happening and casting spells trying to figure out what's wrong with him.

He gasped, trying to catch a breath tried to focus on the cold floor he was currently laying on. He finally really saw the blurred room he was laying in, he moved his head to look at Tom.

His vision slowly cleared and he took another breath, "That was unpleasant." He said weakly, trying to make Tom less concerned.

The man let out a relieved breath, and Harrison finally noticed how his head was laying on Tom's lap, Tom leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Harrison asked, Tom took a deep breath, "Aren't I supposed to ask you that?"

"You didn't." Harrison said and Tom nodded, "You scared me." He said, "The link totally closed-"

Harrison felt a gentle push against his mind and opened up the link, allowing Tom to feel his emotions, he noticed Tom also had the link fully open.

"I'm sorry." Harrison said, glancing at the locket that was still in his hand. "It did help me figure this out a bit." He muttered.

"What?" Tom asked and Harrison showed him the locket, "It felt like me lungs filled up with water. The last person who touched this locket died from drowning."

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