That isn't living, Harrison. That's just surviving.

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Hi everyone! I have returned after one of the most exhausting months of my life. I needed the break from writing this to kind of cross some things from my to-do list that were literally stressing me out so much everyday. 

However, I have written another chapter! A come back, I don't know how long it'll take till the next one, because I am still very busy. Still! It's a start ;)

The end of this chapter is a bit more 'mature'. Definitely not explicit, but yeah. ENJOY!!


As Christmas rapidly approached, Sirius and Remus were suddenly nowhere to found outside of their classes. It wasn't that Harrison needed them, necessarily, but not seeing his parents at dinner was already quite worrying as it was.

And that would have been fine if they had been at breakfast, but they were nowhere to be found.

Harrison shrugged it off, though, he noticed Fred and George doing the same thing. The only reason he wasn't actively worried about them, was because in all of their classes, they seemed even happier than usually.

Suspicious, but admittedly none of his business, especially because he himself was almost always at Tom's, when not in class.

"You'd think that they would give us less homework before Christmas, do they truly wish for us to suffer this much?" Pansy groaned as she fell on the couch in the four house common room, Harrison laughed, "Need help?"

"Fucking Snape gave us three assignments!" Pansy said, "Like, yeah I know it's our last class before break, but does that mean you torture us?"

"It's Snape," Oliver joked, he had been working on one of his assignments in the common room, sitting with Harrison as he spotted the Slytherin. "Who knows?"

"You'll be fine, Pansy." Harrison said, "If you need anything, I'm here."

"Don't you have anything to work on?" Pansy asked as she watched Oliver finish his essay.

Harrison shrugged, "World domination? I don't know,"

"Maybe something like transfiguration, charms?" Pansy asked and Harrison nodded, "Yeah, Sirius did give me homework, but he never grades mine anyways."

Pansy snorted, "Right, good dad you have."

Harrison nodded in agreement, well aware she meant for it to sound sarcastic, yet he couldn't help but agree.

Pansy sighed and sat up, started her first assignment until suddenly she looked up and narrowed her eyes, looking straight at Harrison. "You aged up, right?"

Harrison raised an eyebrow, nodding slowly, "I did?"

"So is your birthday the day Magic aged you up or your normal birthday?" Pansy asked, "Both perhaps?"

Harrison blinked, "I-"

"That's the best question I've heard in a while," Oliver said, looking at Harrison, the distraction from his essay a welcome one- even if he wanted to finish it quickly so he could warm up for quidditch training.

"I'd reckon it be your normal birthday you know?" Pansy said, "I mean technically that's your birthday."

"I suppose so-" Harrison muttered.

"Then again, I don't think it really counts with your whol-" Her eyes widened, as she slapped a hand against her mouth, looking at Oliver. "I'm-"

Harrison snorted, "It took two and a half years for someone to almost expose me."

"I didn't mean to-" Pansy muttered, she seemed genuinely sorry and embarrassed, Harrison shook his head, "It's okay, you didn't actually say something."

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