Just another day

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Harrison woke up pretty late the next morning, just on time for a quick breakfast and then go to potions. The class was pretty uneventful, besides the fact that somewhere in his morning routine Ebony had snuck into his pocket and made his presence known during the class, there may or may not have been a few screams from Gryffindors when the now pretty long snake- he had a long way to go but 4'9ft was pretty alright- showed himself.

"You can keep your snake with you, just make sure he doesn't ruin the potions." Snape said with a nod and Harrison shot him a grateful look, he didn't want to deal with a pissed off Ebony.

"You're more trouble than I thought you would be when I bought you." Harrison whispered to Ebony making the snake look at him, "You should've expected it, I'm just that awesome."

Harrison snorted, "Sure you are."

Draco sighed, "Harrison can you stir?" Harrison nodded, twitching his wrist, stirring the potion clock-wise.

"Thank you." Draco said and then smirked, "Really teaming up with you in a class where we're not allowed wands yet is really helpful."

"Why can't you just stir our potion, too, Harrison?" Theo said, smirking when Harrison twitched his wrist again, making their potion stir. "Just tell me if you need more of my amazing magic again, for example with heating your potion."

"You're amazing." Theo said and Harrison snorted, "Right."

Snape was looking at the whole exchange with a smirk on his face, it is true he didn't allow first years to use their wands yet, magic could mess up a potion. But he would allow Potters wandless magic, he seemed to know what he was doing.

Normally he would start teaching spells to help with potions around half way the second year, but Potter seemed to already know all the spells. He wondered once again just how Harrison seemed to already know everything, but he wasn't going to push the boy to tell him, he felt like that would only make the chance that he would ever know smaller.

At the end of the class about half of them finished their potion perfectly, most of them being Slytherins.

Harrison had ended up helping all the Slytherins with little twitches and waves of his hand and it made the people who hadn't felt his magic once again wonder just how powerful the boy was.

Stirring one potion didn't take a lot of magic, two was harder, but only because you needed to focus. But Harrison had been stirring at least eight potions and at the same time heating another few potions.

He had even helped Longbottom with his potion, to not make him mess up during class.

And that with a still growing core, Snape honestly feared what the boy would be able to do when he was a fully matured wizard.

He dismissed the class and decided to stop thinking about it now, he had a NEWT class to teach and he couldn't be distracted by some powerful first year.

"So I was wondering, why do you always twitch your hand when doing wandless magic, is it impossible to do it without moving your hands?" Blaise asked while they were walking from the potion classroom to the defence classroom, the Slytherins refused to let Harrison go alone, Harrison had just rolled his eyes and allowed them to come with him.

"It's easier to concentrate the magic and it's kind of like a wand movement. I just kind of bonded certain movements to certain spells, some I really have to do, other's I just use because it's easier." Harrison explained.

"Wait there are spells that are impossible without them?" Tracey asked and Harrison nodded, "Mostly spells I created."

"You- you created more spells than that one in the library a while ago?"

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