"Or just go to therapy."

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I feel so unproductive since I spent the entire day writing this instead of doing my school work, which I really should do.


DUELLING CLUB! Was all Harrison saw everywhere, Lockhart was good at making students excited for events, Harrison had to admit that.

After seeing the first poster he rushed to the owlery to sent Rita a letter with the date. The woman's reply came the same day, it was a letter full of excitement. Rita Skeeter did love destroying careers.

The next person he wrote to was Tom, who he told about the duelling club and the fact that Lockhart had actually listened to him.

I'm not surprised any chance of fame excites that man. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a turn on for him.

Did you just seriously say that?


Slightly, makes me think of something my friends talked about when I just revived you.

Should I be worried?

Probably, especially since a bunch of eleven year olds were discussing your sex life.

What? Harrison could feel Tom's confusion and slight dread for whatever he would say next.

Or well, whether it exists or not. In their defence- and I mean please don't kill them for all I just said- you were an insane man who spent years looking like a literal monster.

How did you even-

It was Yaxley's fault really.

Right, not surprised, can I kill him?

He's your death Eater, do what you want. As long as you don't touch my friends.

Okay, well I'll talk to you later, I'm just going to kill someone now.

Tom's side of the link closed of entirely, Harrison snickered before putting his journal down. It was actually a good moment to stop writing to Tom, since his friends seem to love the idea of starting a conversation with him.

"What class do you have now?"

"Care of Magical Creatures." Harrison replied, "I'm curious what it will be like."

"Kettleburn is pretty nice," Terence said, "Just very strange."

"Good to hear, I don't want to deal with annoying teachers. Especially because Dumbledore seems to hate me enough for everyone." Harrison said, distracted by Tom's absence in his mind. Thinking about it, they hadn't shut their link down in months, Harrison wasn't even sure why they didn't shut it down anymore, but it was comforting in a way.

They could always sense when something is wrong and had both gotten a habit of sending reassuring emotions to each other, not quite having mastered the link enough to really communicate. They were getting closer though, if they totally opened up the link while standing close to each other they could practically read each others mind. This was also scary, since having someone hear every thought process you have- well let's just say they were careful whenever they tried this out.

"You okay, Harrison?" Theo asked and Harrison nodded, "Yeah- I'm- I'm okay."

"Didn't have another vision or whatever you call those, have you?"

"No, I'm good." He says, offering a half-smile. His friends seemed unsure, but accepted his answer, it's not like they would get another one anyways.

It was that night when the link finally opened up again, Harrison let out an audible sigh of relief, which once again confused his friends- he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. He then opened his Journal.

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