Yet we must follow some laws.

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I finally got this done, for some reason it was really hard for me to actually finish this chapter so I'm so happy that I did. 

Have fun!!

Harrison was somewhat glad to see Kai ready for his class, without Maya anywhere in sight. Tom had decided that it would be 'better' for him to get this first impression of elemental magic alone and went off to help people around the town with daily tasks.

Tom could be nice when he wanted to.

"Harrison I am so glad to see you've decided to join here." Kai said and Harrison nodded.

"I was curious to see what exactly elemental magic is."

Kai smiled at that, looking around at the kids, some of which seemed to only be around six or seven years old. "Anyone wants to answer that question?"

A little girl spoke up, "Everything contains magic, we pull the magic from it and use it to fuel our own magic."

"Right, so we have a source of water here." Kai said, "You need to feel the magic in it and use it. Necromancers use souls, memories of death almost like thestrals."

"What about you?" Harrison asked, "Are you?"

Kai shook his head, "Not exactly, my sensitivity helps me with teaching and allows me to feel the magic, but use it as they do- it's like they talk to the water."

Harrison's eyes found a little boy, sitting by the body of water his hand resting on the surface, the water seemed to shake slightly just from the presence of the hand.

"Do you think this will help me, I have never felt any magical connection to bodies of water."

"You need to allow yourself to feel it," Kai said, "Let your core accept it and you'll be fine. The reason we start so early is because if you start too late in life you might never find the true gift of it."

Then he started talking about some spell allowing you to turn seaweed into small fish using vibrations of the water and Harrison sat at the edge of the water watching little kids shake up the water a little too aggressive, he hoped no fish would be released in the body as Harrison doubted that would be good for them.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Kai asked, as he sat down next to Harrison, "Let your magic go."

Harrison smiled at him, "I don't know-"

"They're used to feeling quite a bit of magic, just do it." Kai said, laughing slightly. "They might use your magic, though. Some of them have gotten a little too well at grabbing magic from nature."

"How does it work with the fire elementals? They pull magic from fire?" Harrison asked and Kai hesitated.

"It's the heat more than the fire. The magic gets released from things burning, but they could use other things as well." Kai said, "It's a bit more aggressive than water or earth."

"Water elementals tend to get into healing magics don't they?"

Kai nodded, "The best doctors are usually people who feel connected to the waves." He said, "They allow themselves to change up, deal with stressful situations the best. It's more of a personification than a box of magic you must at all time be part of."

Harrison nodded, allowing his magic to reach out to the water, trying to truly feel the magic stream through it, it was a tingling feeling as his magic tried to pull energy from the water. It took a lot of effort to try and really get anything, but he felt it as Kai slowly guided him through the steps of connecting to an element.

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