Alright, let's dance then, Tommy boy

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ALSO it's once again the 3rd of January so happy birthday to me!!!
(and I can't believe I actually made it. I know I said 31st of December, but still!)

Harrison truly expected this Christmas to be like the last two, where he had greeted guests for a while, purely because people wanted to talk to the genius of Hogwarts. Afterwards he'd get left alone by almost everyone except his friends.

The first part was mostly still true, the second part was not.

"Heir Black," A man said, he turned around to see one of the more grey aligned politicians. Much like most of his own seats were for a while, now however, the light was screwing up too much. All his seats were seen as dark-aligned. "Or how do we-"

"You don't have to say my whole title," Harrison laughed, "It's quite confusing, I understand. Everyone saying Heir Black, while I'm Lord of multiple other houses."

"A situation that is not seen a lot." The man said, agreeing. "I'm Lord Macmillan."

"Ernie Macmillan's father?" Harrison asked, now that he knew who the man was he could see how much Ernie looked like his father.

"Indeed," The man sounded amused, "You pay attention."

"He used to be in my year." Harrison said, "Never really spoke to him, I'd have to admit."

"That's quite fine," The man said, "Different social circles. He does say you managed to get people to see Hufflepuffs as different things than their stereotypes."

"Well, my friend Cedric Diggory, he's nothing like the stereotypes." Harrison admitted, "Kind and loyal and all those things sure, that's what he was picked for, but he could've easily been a Gryffindor or Slytherin too." He shrugged, "Besides Helga Hufflepuff herself was quite the woman, you should talk to a portrait sometime."

"I'll try to find one," The man said, "I have to admit I'm surprised by your dominance in the Wizengamot meetings, I'd never expect anyone to get Dumbledore to vote with them."

"You're trying to learn my tricks?"

The man had an easy smile on his face, shrugging and Harrison sighed. "We would've won the vote anyways. With all my seats, as well as the rest of the dark-aligned families and most of the more neutral families, I just wanted to get my point across to Umbridge and asked Dumbledore to help."

"What are those points?"

"That she shouldn't try to discriminate against dark creatures that have integrated into our current society. It will only stimulate segregation, which will make them end up killing more witches and wizards. Magical blood is rare, we should save it where we can."

"Yet they'll still attack muggles."

"Not true," Harrison said, "You should know, Lord Macmillan, while admittedly I personally have never had anything to do with muggles, I wouldn't vote for something that endangered them. Most vampires use blood replacement pills, even the vampires who refuse to go vegan as we call it, now visit blood banks found in places such as Knockturn Alley, where people willingly donate blood for vampires."

That was a recent discovery Harrison had found, some witches and wizards went to bars specialised for darker creatures, everyone was welcome but it only served things safe for any type of dark creature. Most of these bars took blood from people who wanted to donate blood and served the blood to vampires.

Harrison himself wanted to visit one of these places soon, donating blood sounded like a good next step to help dark creatures.

Perhaps he would take Remus, let the man taste some of the drinks made specifically for werewolves, it could be fun.

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