I'm not going anywhere.

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I genuinely enjoyed writing this... so I hope you all enjoy reading it!

Harrison slowly settled into a comfortable summer break schedule, most of his time was spent planning the future of Tom's Death Eaters and the small attacks they could plan to make it realistic that Tom had indeed returned, but not actually killing anyone.

"If I may, my Lord?" Barty Crouch Jr. spoke up, in one of the inner circle meetings, Tom had allowed them to have some input on their ideas. Harrison took that as a clear difference from 'Voldemort' now and then monster from before.

"Go on," Tom nodded at the man.

"The world cup is soon, we could just attack the tents after the game, make sure we don't influence the results, but there will be masses of wizards and witches. That would exactly be the kind of thing Fudge can't ignore."

Tom nodded, in thought, Harrison could hear a bunch of his surface thoughts, concerns as well as admitting that it seemed like quite a good idea.

He turned to Harrison after a bit, "Sirius has tickets, right?" He asked and Harrison nodded. "Alright, so if we make a public appearance there is no way that the attack gets connected to us, am I right?"

Harrison nodded slowly, "We might need to make sure we are at the front lines of the fight," He said, "To ensure that they see you fighting the Death Eaters."

"Alright," Tom said, "I want the duels moved forward to see if everyone can protect themselves properly. And I want every Death Eater to know that no one should be harm, the only people you can use harmful spells on are Harrison and I, so that the fight looks real. Understood?"

Barty nodded, a gleeful smile on his face and Harrison had to admit, he was looking forward to a staged fight as well.

"Maybe," Harrison said, "If you want chaos, steal one of the golden Gryffindor wands and cast morsmordre with that wand instead of one of your own." He smiled, "Imagine Hope Potter casting the Death Eater mark in the sky, Dumbledore wouldn't know what to do."

Tom glanced at Harrison next to him, an amused smile on his face, "I love your genius." He hissed in parseltongue and Harrison just smiled at him- and the slightly uncomfortable Death Eaters.

"Lucius," Tom said then, the blonde man looking at his master, quickly bowing his head forward once again. "I suppose you will also attend the world cup with your son?"

"Indeed, my Lord." The man said quickly.

Tom hummed, "Make sure you find the Potters, they will be there."

"Understood, my Lord." Lucius answered and Harrison almost felt bad for the shitty job he got, following the Potters on their one true day off, their day away as a family.


"I think this is a good start for our future." Tom said, "You are all dismissed. Make sure to spread the word before the next full meeting."

Everyone hurried out of the room and Harrison smirked, "I like Barty."

"You do?" Tom asked, amused, he obviously expected Harrison to like the man. It was obvious that they would get along well.

"He's loyal, funny, creative." Harrison said, "Exactly what you need from a follower, a minion."

"High praise," Tom muttered as Harrison got up from his own chair, walking towards Tom and dropping himself on Tom's lap.

Tom's arms immediately rested around him, it was second nature to them.

"It's what you would look for in a Right hand man, you know?" Harrison said, "I did always wonder, why Lucius Malfoy?" As Tom opened his mouth to explain the Malfoy background, Harrison could feel it over the link. Harrison stopped him by continuing, "I get it, powerful politician, the Malfoy family was one of your first followers. Don't get me wrong the Malfoys are okay, but their so- so bland. Except for Narcissa, but truly, that's just her Black blood."

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