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The next morning Harrison sat in the common room with the Slytherins in his year. He knew they had been curious about what happened last night and Harrison decided to tell them, because Hope probably spread the news already.

Harrison sighed, looking around the room, "I got disowned."

"For real?" Pansy asked, looking surprised and Harrison nodded, "I didn't expect my dad to actually do it, but I guess it makes sense. I'm going to drag Sirius to Diagon Alley today, so I can either claim my heirships or he might adopt me. I feel like he would've already, if it wasn't for the fact that I was still a Potter."

"Being a black might be smarter than claiming the last name Slytherin," Blaise said.

"I know, I would like the chaos it causes, but the Potters would ask for an explanation and I don't want them to know the truth."

"You want no one to know the truth, no one knows yet." Draco said and Harrison shook his head, "I told Sirius."

"You told him, but not us?" Draco asked, sounding bitter and Harrison shrugged, "I had to, it was the only way to convince him to let me get the stone at Halloween. I will tell you guys soon anyways,"

"So you'll try to use Black as last name?" Blaise asked, changing the subject, Harrison shot him a grateful look, "Yeah, I don't want to cause chaos now, I want the attention on me to at least fade before Yuletide so I can bring the Dark Lord back in peace. Talking about the Dark Lord, Draco could you please ask your father if he'd like to be present at the ritual I kind of need his help."

Draco looked at him with surprise and nodded, "Yeah? I mean sure."

"Thank you," Harrison shot Draco a smile, then he sighed, "We should probably go to breakfast, I still have to ask Siri if he actually has time to come with me."

And like that they all left, when they arrived at the great hall Harrison quickly noticed Sirius pacing in front of the big doors of the great hall, Remus standing next to him, his eyes shining a bit brighter- a goldish tint in them, Harrison realised it must be the wolf in him.- than usual.

"Harrison you're okay!" Sirius shouted when he saw Harrison, running towards Harrison to hug him.

"I'm okay, Siri."

Sirius sighed, "I was ready to kill him when I heard what happened." Remus also came up to them, ruffling Harrisons hair, "I had to stop him from killing them," he informed Harrison.

"It helped that I knew you would need me, so I didn't want to get locked into Azkaban." Sirius said and Harrison smiled at him, "So you don't blame me?"

"Blame-" Sirius snorted, "Have you even listened to any of our past conversations, I don't like the Potters, Harrison. I could not blame you for getting disowned."

"I mean I did kind of tell them to disown me," Harrison said and Sirius shook his head, "That's their problem, now Dumbledore informed me you wanted to go to Diagon Alley?"

"Yes, I need to go to Gringotts to fix my last name problem." Harrison said and Sirius nodded, "I already have the adoption papers ready."

"You- I- What?" Harrison asked, honestly shocked, him and Sirius hadn't even talked about him adopting Harrison yet.

"What you think I'd just let you claim the Hogwarts titles and live alone? No, pup, you're stuck with me now." Sirius laughed and Harrison fake-groaned. The Slytherins looked at the scene with amusement and confusion when Sirius said 'titles' instead of 'title', which would mean Harrison had more than one Hogwarts title.

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