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late, short and not proofread chapter, cause I'm tired now that school started again.


"Here's the full plan," Voldemort said, placing a map of Azkaban in front of him. "We will apparate here." He pointed to a place in the sea, "It's where the wards end, now there should be a boat there. We use that boat to go to this entrance." He pointed out another place on the map, "There should be no guards, like I explained earlier, meaning we would just have to deal with Dementors. There shouldn't be too much here, but while going up to max security cell, we will pass a room made for the dementors. We will have to be careful there. I will take Snape and Lucius to the West side, while you and your godfathers go East." He put another list in front of Harrison, "This is a list with all the Death Eaters in that block, Sirius and Remus will recognize them."

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Harrison muttered, "Sirius cousin?"

Voldemort nodded, "She might demand to see me," He grimaced, "She was always a passionate follower of mine, just try to make her come with you."

"I'll just stun her and take her with me that way if she doesn't listen."

"Yeah, that is probably the easiest way."

"You're not taking other Death Eaters?" Harrison asked and Voldemort shook his head, "I don't want this to go wrong, because some reckless Death Eater. I trust you can keep Sirius and Remus calm enough and I myself trust Lucius and Severus."

"Okay, I'll see you Sunday, then." Harrison said and Voldemort nodded, "Yeah and, please, explain the plan to Sirius and Remus, we have to do this quickly."

Voldemort had already kidnapped some sick muggles that wouldn't be missed, because they were either really lonely or already reported as missing, it had been hard to find enough muggles, but totally worth it. The muggles were currently locked in his dungeons, the Polyjuice potions stacked somewhere close to the cells.

The whole plan was finally finished, now they just had to execute the plan, which was honestly the hardest part.

"I will," Harrison said, before leaving Voldemort's office. He would be glad when this was over, planning the Azkaban breakout had been one of the most stressful things he'd ever done.


They arrived early on Sunday.

When Harrison didn't feel Voldemort's magic close he decided to lead Remus and Sirius to Voldemort's office himself, it's not like the man would be mad.

"You really know your way around this manor." Sirius noted suddenly, making Harrison shrug. "Yeah, well, I've been here a lot. It's Slytherin's manor, Sal build it a few years after I left."

"So there should be a portrait somewhere here." Remus said and Harrison nodded, "Yep, haven't really looked for it yet, I've been busy."

He opened the door to Voldemort's office to see Lucius, Severus and Voldemort already there.

"Ah, you're early." Voldemort said and Harrison gaped, "You- How? You're magic-"

"We did say we would experiment with the horcrux." Voldemort hissed and Harrison glared at the man, "I thought we would do it together."

"I only used occlumency. Nothing special."

Harrison rolled his eyes, "Anyways, that's not why we're here."

"I'll help you later," Voldemort offered and Harrison nodded, then Voldemort moved on, looking at the group. "I've just gone over the plan with Lucius and Severus, I trust Harrison explained everything to you?" He asked Sirius and Remus, who only nodded, not sure how to act in the Dark Lord's presence.

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