Someone who I could love with my entire being.

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Merry christmas everyone! I did stress a bit to have this done today, see it as a christmas present :)


It took Christmas break for Sirius and Remus to finally explain their absence half of the time at Hogwarts.

"We've taken your advice," Sirius said, "We're getting married, magically, not legally, because well it's illegal."

Harrison smiled, "You are?" He asked excitedly, as Fred and George both cheered, they had just gotten home, none of them having expected this news truly.

"We want to keep it small," Remus nodded, "A small celebration on the 28th, between Christmas and New year."

"Who's invited?" George asked, "Just us?"

"Regulus, you guys, The Malfoy's, too, as well as the Lestrange's if they behave." Sirius said, "They're family, Tom can come, too."

"And Megan, perhaps Snape even." Remus said, "But that's it."

Harrison laughed, "Please invite Snape, I have to see him in awkward social situations."

It was quiet for a moment, before they all started laughing, just imagining Snape at a wedding was too much. Sirius nodded in agreement, "Snape's on the invitation list for sure."

"Perhaps you should think about inviting McGonagall, too, then." Harrison muttered, "She practically raised you. She should walk you down the aisle."

"That's-" Sirius nodded quickly, "-Actually a very good idea."

"Regulus has been helping us," Remus said, "It's why we were gone so often, the man has been trying to find a ritual that could work for us, we feel comfortable with, as well as something that wouldn't hurt my wolf."

"Tom has been helping him, actually." Sirius spoke up and Harrison gaped at Sirius.

"He what?"

"Your boyfriends a good one, I asked him to not tell you." Sirius said, "Wouldn't your link thingy not allow-"

"I don't know, maybe he somehow shut it out." Harrison said, ignoring the way Fred and George gaped at the word 'boyfriend'. He knew he would get bothered non-stop about it now.

"Either way Tom offered to help us out with some ancient magic connected to the Slytherin house." Remus said, "Regulus was really excited about it."

"Wait, we're just ignoring that you called Tom Harrison's boyfriend and he did not deny it?" Fred asked.

"Yes." Harrison replied, glaring at Sirius' amused look. Especially when Sirius mouthed, 'I'll tell you two later.'

Remus chuckled, "Pads, be nice."

Sirius rolled his eyes, but winked at Fred and George.

Harrison had never wanted to leave as much as he did in this moment. However, telling them he'd go to Tom's sounds like a way to make the teasing worse so he just turned to Sirius and asked, "What about colour schemes?"

Sirius groaned, this time Remus fully laughed.


"You're an arsehole." Harrison said as he walked into the room where Regulus and Tom were talking about some ancient type of magic, he narrowed his eyes, "Both of you."

"What?" Regulus asked, totally confused, Harrison kind of felt bad for him.

"How could you not tell me?" Harrison asked, "Even after I told them they should get married, I'm one of the last ones to know?"

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