"Weird way of saying you missed me, but I'll take it."

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I have been writing every free moment of my days for the past week or so to finish this.
I finally did though!

It took so long, too, because I got two ear infections and then an eye infection last week. Most annoying week of my life.

Ok enjoy!!!!

Gemma had jokingly given him the task of leading the first years to the common room this year, something about him being closer to their age and less scary.

Most people would argue he was more scary.

But Gemma seemed like she really did not want to do this another year, besides the girl was also head girl now meaning Harrison technically had to follow her demands about his prefect duties.

That's how he ended up here, in front of a group of first year students.

Harrison cleared his throat awkwardly, he had never been the best at speeches. That was Tom's talent. "Welcome to Slytherin," he said, "I am Harrison Black, fifth year prefect and I'm here to explain some things about Slytherin, because I think there's a lot of misconceptions.

Firstly, we are not evil. Some of you might be scared right now, Slytherin the evil house, but actually just like any other house this house is purely based on your strengths. Our bad reputation is purely based on the cunning leaders coming from this house. These leaders sometimes ended up fighting for the rights of the Dark wizards, is that a bad thing? Not at all. Just because you are in Slytherin does not mean you are evil, we are all just teenagers here.

However, some of the other students might not realise that, so I want all of you to be careful, watch out for each other. I, myself, have been fighting to unite the houses more and so far it seems like I'm succeeding, but I'm not near satisfied. So be careful, if anyone gives you any trouble you can approach me or any of the other prefects. I know for sure that the head boy, Percy Weasley and the head girl, our very own Gemma Farley will happily help you with any issues as well.

Besides all that you might notice that our common room is in the dungeons, this might seem scary, but it's actually a big advantage since we have our own place. Students tend to stay away from the dungeons, no matter where in the dungeons, except for Snape's classroom of course. Besides," Harrison paused, "We have the Giant squid, who absolutely loves us."

He looked around, trying to spot one of his friends. Eventually his eyes found Theo. "Did I miss anything?"

The boy shrugged, "You could mention your little class thing."

"Oh right!" Harrison said, "People always beg me to teach them things, so I give some magic classes in a secret magical room, every single one of you can come to a class sometime." Harrison looked around the common room, "I probably should mention you too, shouldn't I?" He asked, looking at Sal's painting, the man nodded.

"The painting over there," He pointed at Salazar's painting, "Is our founder, Salazar Slytherin. He used to not talk, but he started talking sometimes around two years ago. Now, I think it's time for Professor Snape's welcome."

The man came out of the shadow for dramatic effect, "Thank you, Mr Black." He said, before looking at the new Slytherin students, who were whispering among themselves and looking around in awe. "I should probably mention that we have three rules in Slytherin. The first one is, everything that happens in the common room stays in the common room, any fights, secrets, literally anything. In the rest of the school we have to be one front, it helps us protect ourselves from the rest of the school. The second rule is, if you want to go against school rules, don't get caught, I won't help you if you do. The third one is help other Slytherins, if anything happens, no matter to who. If it's a Slytherin you help, understood?"

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