The Patronus charm

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"Expecto Patronum" Harrison whispered, this time an animal did appear.

Both Sirius and Remus were sitting at the edge of their seats, curiously watching the animal, trying to see what it was.

It looked like a snake, then it flickered and suddenly changed into something else. It now had paws, it flickered again flying around. It kept flickering from animal to animal, like it wasn't quite sure what form it needed to be.

"What is this supposed to mean?" Harrison asked in confusion, Remus only response was, "Our Patronus represents a person who we feel the safest with, who we feel like they could keep us safe. It could be a parental figure or a significant other. I don't think your Patronus knows who that would be for you."

"You mean I have more than one Patronus?" Harrison stated more than asked, "I have multiple protectors."

"I've never seen this before," Sirius said, "But I mean- it would make sense. You grew up with the founders, now you have us. You're friends too- and Merlin. You have so many people who could be your Patronus."

"Of fucking course every piece of my magic has to be special, first the wolf animagus, now this."

"Maybe-" Remus cut himself off, he looked like he was deep in thought and he was staring at the place where Harrisons Patronus now seemed to form something close to a lion.

"What are you thinking, Moony?" Sirius asked.

"Would it be possible for Harrison to cast multiple Patroni?" Remus asked and Sirius shrugged.

"Well, I'm not going to figure this shit out now, I'll try to find something about this in the library here." Harrison said and Sirius nodded, before summoning something, it was a piece of paper which he signed.

Only when Sirius gave it to him he realised it was for permission to the restricted area of the library in Hogwarts. "If you don't find anything, we always have the Black library." Sirius said and Harrison nodded, "Thank you. I won't keep you busy any longer, it's almost exams after all."


Time tended to fly right before the end of the year, everyone was learning and classes were pretty much wrapped up, now they just got time to revise for the exam.

Harrison hated it.

He was bored usually, but nothing compared to how bored he was now. Everyone was learning- except for maybe his own sister and Weasley – He couldn't annoy teachers either, since they had to actually make the exams they would take, while still teaching classes and correcting some work.

Everyone seemed to be stressed, except for Harrison. So he wandered the halls, not really doing anything. He talked to portraits, spent some time in the library to learn about useless things. He also started helping people, anyone from year one to seven could come up to him and ask for help.

The seventh years didn't even question the fact that this first year already knew everything they had to know. He had taught most of them his spell now, so they pretty much stopped doubting his skills as a teacher.

"Harrison, can you please just help us?" Pansy asked, noticing how he was zoned out.


"We just can't get this transfiguration spell."

"What are you even trying to do?" Harrison asked, seeing multiple hairpins on the table. Pansy sighed, "It's just- our practical exam will probably just be transfiguring one item into another, right?" When Harrison nodded she continued, "So we thought why not practice? We're trying to change this-" She picked up a hairpin, "Into a cup or goblet or whatever- something totally different."

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