"I might be the Dark Lord, but I'm not uncultured."

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IT'S MY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE:) (january 3rd lmao)


It was a day till the yule ball at Toms and the Black family decided to give each other their presents today.

They had already opened their other presents from other friends or family. Harrison had once again gotten mostly books and some candy, but Blaise and Pansy had teamed up to buy enough stuff for Ebony to fill up a full room.

So now they had a 'Snake room'. It was a room full of heated rocks, sticks, some plants and one magically growing/shrinking tree. Ebony absolutely loved it. Harrison hadn't seen him since he went to explore in the room.

Now it was time to open each others' gifts and Fred and George looked a little too excited and Harrison doesn't know if he should be scared or excited.

He settled on the latter.

"Okay before we actually start." Sirius said, sitting down, an envelope in his hands. "Snape and Lucius asked me to give this to Harrison, some kind of present they said."

Harrison took the envelope, not sure what to expect, but when he opened it and saw an accepted request for human experimentation or werewolf experimentation, he was shocked. Snape had told him they should try to get this accepted, but he didn't expect the man to really try by himself.

And Lucius, of course Lucius would have enough influence in the ministry to get this accepted.

"What is it, pup?" Sirius asked and he handed Sirius the letter, the man looked confused to say the least. "What is this for?"

"I've well- I've been working hard together with Snape to create a new kind of wolfsbane, something you could take once and would give you control forever or at least a long time. I needed to make sure I wouldn't kill someone. The ministry allows certain people to test potions out on humans, prisoners who would've gotten executed anyways. Turns out Snape got our request approved."

"You're doing what?" Remus asked and Harrison smiled, "The plan was to finish it on your birthday, but honestly, I didn't have enough time."

"That's- the best thing someone tried to do for me." Remus whispered and Harrison shrugged, "I just want to help."

"That's great, pup." Sirius said and Harrison waved his hands, not wanting to get compliments for something that makes so much sense to him. He was the only one who has the resources for this new version, so why shouldn't he try?

"Let's just move on." Harrison muttered.

And they did, it quickly became clear why Fred and George had been so excited, giving everyone a self-made prank product.

Remus got Fred and George new School robes, which they really needed. Sirius got them a lot of old marauders journals, saved up over the years. All of their legendary pranks and the spells they used were in there, but also some of their failed spells. Sirius probably secretly hoped Fred and George would retry these pranks and make them work out.

Harrison made a bunch of moving portraits of everyone. There was also one of just a black dog and a werewolf, one of Harrisons favourites. When he gave them he just admitted that he honestly had no idea what to get everyone and that if Fred and George ever needed anything for their prank products that he could probably help.

The last gifts Harrison got were from Sirius and Remus, who decided to give him some old daggers with 'Toujours pur' on it. Harrison looked at Sirius, "These are heirlooms." He stated, it was not a question.

Sirius nodded, "Yep," Slightly popping the 'p', "I mean you're part of the family now, aren't you?"

Harrison nodded looking down at the daggers, the founders had never really taught him to fight with weapons, since wandless magic always came easy to him. He had gotten some classes to fight with swords, since that was almost necessary in the 10th century, but other than that.

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