"I got attacked," - "That much was clear."

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 I haven't updated in a while, sorry I'm so busy, I'm back for now, though.


Harrison, Sirius, Remus, Fred and George did indeed still go to Romania, it was a very short weekend trip due to how busy Charlie currently was.

Harrison had spent the two days with the dragon and mother he had saved a year ago, the two had been glad to properly thank him now by 'welcoming him into their family.'

Whatever that meant.

As soon as they returned to Grimmaulds place, Harrison, Fred and George got their Hogwarts letters. "Do they know when we're not in the country?" Fred asked, looking at the letter- they had literally arrived fifteen minutes ago.

"Probably," Harrison said, "Rowena made the charm."

"That explains something," The redhead muttered, opening his letter, not even bothering to look at the list of things they need.

Harrison followed his example, frowning as he felt the weight of his letter, "What is in there?"

"Oh," Sirius said, "Moony! Our son is prefect!"

Remus snorted, "You could've let him figured out for himself, Sirius."

Harrison gave them both a shocked look, before noticing that indeed it was a prefect pin. "Why would they make me prefect? Dumbledore hates me."

"Actually Snape could have suggested you and with the acceptance of McGonagall Dumbledore's opinion wouldn't matter anymore." Sirius said, "Let's be honest, there's no better person for this job than you, Harrison."

"I would beg to differ," Harrison muttered, "Terence is the sixth year prefect, right?"

Fred nodded, "Marcus is actually, surprising everyone the seventh year prefect, if the badge wasn't taken away."

"At least the others are nice then." Harrison said, "I really have to suffer through the prefect rounds?"

Remus laughed, "I have never seen anyone react this badly to receiving a prefect badge, wear it with pride, cub."

"I don't need a pin to prove my worth," He scrunched up his nose, "Aren't all prefects at least fifteen?"

"You were never a normal case."

"Don't you even dare use the excuse of no one listening to a thirteen year old, everyone fears you." George said and Harrison rolled his eyes, really being a prefect would not be all bad, but it was just the extra responsibility that came with it which sucked. Especially because this meant less sneaking out at late nights, less hiding in the Chamber of Secrets and more paying attention to the things that happen around him.

"Percy is probably head boy this year," Fred said then, "So that's at least one nice Gryffindor prefect."

Harrison nodded, "That's something."

"You can't be seriously disappointed in being a prefect." Remus said and Harrison shrugged, "I suppose it has some pro's."

"If you decide it is really that annoying you can always refuse to be one." Sirius said, "But I would just try it out, it could help you and Tom with whatever your goals are right now."

That was true, Harrison had to admit. Tom had used his prefect and later on Head boy position to manipulate people and get away with things others usually wouldn't.

"Right, thanks, padfoot."

Sirius nodded at him then grabbed his book list, "We're going to have to visit Diagon Alley again, aren't we?"

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