This place is truly weird.

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It all came so sudden, Sirius and Remus decided to take a honeymoon after all, now that Hogwarts still wouldn't start up for a little under a week. So Harrison and Tom decided to take up on Fred and George's gift to visit elementals in Asia.

Fred and George were hyped when Harrison told them, telling them they'd sent an notification to the group immediately, then George flooed to the ministry, to get the portkey ready.

Fred however sat Harrison down, "We're thinking of meeting with Ginny in the next couple of days, see how she's doing."

"Okay?" Harrison said, "You should go for it."

"What if she's truly brainwashed, she's smart, but could never resist Molly's attention for her."

Harrison sighed, "We can try to get her out of it at school, away from everything." Harrison said, "You should just talk to her, maybe she's truly not that badly influenced. Your brothers seem okay."

"Except Ron." Fred muttered.

Harrison nodded in agreement to that. "Honestly, I think that if she agrees to meet you two, she can't have been influenced by Molly that badly." He said, "Just invite her to the three broomsticks, if she shows up, you'll probably be fine."

Fred nodded in agreement, "That is true."

"And if she does end up not being okay with her home situation," Harrison said, "Just ask if we can help her in anyway. We can always use the little trick we did for you guys, move her to another Hogwarts house next year."

"I think she enjoys Gryffindor." Fred laughed, "She will be the best chaser of the Gryffindor quidditch team soon, you should look out, winning might be harder."

"As long as they can't truly get someone else to be seeker for them, we will be fine."

Fred nodded in agreement, Oliver was screwed, Hope wasn't going to get a lot better soon.

"Am I glad I moved to Slytherin on time," He said and Harrison laughed.

"You should thank me."

Fred rolled his eyes, "I am so glad you're going to be gone for a bit. Finally some rest!"

"And I still don't understand why Sirius and Remus are allowing you and George to stay here all on your own, they should get a babysitter."

"Like they really parent us that much."

"I got everything in order!" George said as he walked in, "You and Tom can leave tomorrow."

Harrison smiled, looking from Fred to George. "You don't have to sound so happy about me leaving, George."

"Right-o, but you see dear brother of ours, we can't miss you if you're constantly here annoying us." George said, "Sometimes it's good to miss someone, so you notice how much they actually do for you."

"That sounds a lot more positive than what Fred just told me." Harrison said, "Finally some rest." He mocked, winking at Fred, who rolled his eyes.

"I can't have any rest as long as Fred's still here, Harrikins, you know that!" George said, "That guy is absolutely constantly annoying me."

"I'm right here!" Fred said and Harrison snorted. "Why are you two teaming up on me? George is supposed to at least be on my side."

"Well, sometimes we got to change things up a bit, don't we, Harrikins?" George said.

"I do agree with Fred, this is getting scary." Harrison said and George rolled his eyes.


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