Quidditch and interviews

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A week later, the 9th of November was Harrisons first quidditch match. The whole Slytherin quidditch team were sitting at breakfast together, anxiously eating while going through strategies once more.

"Black, just ignore the rest of us, make sure you get the snitch!" Flint said and Harrison nodded, then Flint turned his head to Fred and George, who had taken over the positions of beater from Fae Drusus- a 6th year Slytherin, who liked quidditch but didn't quite have the skills the rest had. And Ethan Grimstone, a 7th year who had been meaning to quit to focus on his studying.

Overall, there were no hard feelings about the Weasley Twins joining the quidditch teams. The Twins were probably the best beaters the school saw in a while, being able to communicate without talking helped with that.

"Weasley's focus on Hope," Flint said and Fred shook his head, "Not Weasley's anymore, but you got it captain!"

"Okay the rest knows what to do, right?" Flint asked looking around the table, Terence snorted, "You've only been through it with us for like a hundred times, Marcus."

"Right," Flint muttered, his eyes darting to the Gryffindor table and then back to looking around the Slytherin team, "We can win this."

"We will," Pucey said, Montague had decided to try out for keeper when Terence became chaser and since he was the best one in the try outs he was now on the team as Slytherin keeper.

They all went to the changing rooms after breakfast, Flint going through their strategy once more. Harrison had honestly zoned out the whole time, he didn't think that beating Hope was going to be a challenge.

However, since Fred and George were Slytherins now he did still have to make sure a bludger wouldn't hit him.

Walking onto the field was a whole different experience, he had never played quidditch with a full audience before. He looked at the Gryffindor team and noticed that Hope was, of course, loving all the attention.

Flint shook hands with Oliver Wood- the Gryffindor captain- before madam Hooch let them mount their brooms. Harrison took that time to study the other team and he quickly noticed none of them looked thrilled to have Hope in their team.

That was besides Hope herself.

He didn't have time to look any longer once he was on his broom because Lee Jordan- the commentator, of course, and how weird it would be to hear him make positive comments about Slytherin instead of Gryffindor this time- started talking.

"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first quidditch match of this school year! Like always we start with the Slytherin against Gryffindor match." Lee said, "On the Slytherin team we have, Captain Flint, Terence Higgs and Adrian Pucey as chasers, Graham Montague as keeper, Fred and George as beater and child-prodigy Harrison Sirius Black as seeker." There were a lot of cheers, Harrison looked down and quickly noticed the whole Slytherin house was here.

"For the Gryffindor team we have Captain Oliver Wood as keeper, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell as chasers, Maeve Smith and Ivan Raven as beaters and the Girl-Who-Lived Hope Potter as seeker. And aren't we excited for a little sibling rivalry am I right?" The cheers for Gryffindors were obviously louder, but Harrison honestly didn't care. Hope was smirking at him and Harrison smirked right back.

The new beaters of Gryffindor didn't seem to be totally sure what to do, so Harrison decided he shouldn't panic about that too much.

As soon as the snitch got released Harrison started circling the pitch, knowing Hope was following his every move.

He decided to play for a bit, making some dangerous dives, Hope following him- but almost crashing. He spend the entire first half of the match tiring Hope like this, while also avoiding bludgers.

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