Story of the first Horcrux

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Sorry I'm late! I'm here now, though.


Besides the visit to Dumbledore, his second year started pretty normal. The first few days were spend trying to get used to having classes, while also writing to Tom and planning for a war.

It was easier than it sounded.

Oh, he also couldn't ignore the dramatic entrance the Potters had made. Lily and James had ran into the great hall the morning after everyone else arrived, apologising to the Headmaster. They made sure to loudly announce that they had been in Germany and forgot about the date.

Like expected, no one actually seemed to care.

"Harrison, what do you think we'll do in defence?" Pansy asked suddenly and Harrison shrugged, "Lockhart is probably read us stories he wrote."

"Oh no, it's worse than that." Fred said and George nodded seriously, "We had to make a test about Lockhart."

"Like that's actual defence class!" Fred finished, throwing his hands in the air angrily.

"We had to do the same thing," Terrence said, being one year above Fred and George. "We also have Lily Potter for defence now, it's even worse."

Harrison glanced at the teachers table, the confident woman was currently sitting next to her husband, smiling while talking to the headmaster, something in her expression unnerved him.

"Goodluck this year."

Terrence gave him a smile, Harrison just hoped he wouldn't get classes from either Lily or James.

He had heard stories from James' Transfiguration classes, which McGonagall refused to leave totally to James, not quite trusting the man with her students. They seemed to be fun, sometimes, but mostly the instructions were unclear. Which wouldn't be a very big problem, until James had to teach his students to do human transfiguration.

McGonagall had actually sent James away, telling him not to come back for at least a month. Sirius had instead taken over the classes, which was ironic, because McGonagall had always thought that James was the more mature one of the two of them.

That was if one of them could even be called mature.

Just like Fred and George had told them, their class actually got a test full of questions about Lockhart. No one did well, except for Hermione Granger. Who practically acted like she had just won an award, after Lockhart told her she was the only one with perfect scores.

The rest of the day Granger could be found telling anyone who listened that she had beat the Harrison Sirius Black in a defence test. Once people started asking what the test was about and they heard that it was the Lockhart one, she ran away. Ever since then Harrison hadn't spotted her yet.

Luckily, the rest of his subjects were taught by the same teachers he had last year. Harrison knew Sirius had fought James over who was going to teach her class, until McGonagall decided it was best to keep it how it was, she offered James to assist her in the new first year class, though, but James refused. He only had the sixth years in his class now, the rest of the school either getting McGonagall, Sirius or both.

Harrison also got asked to help for quidditch try-outs, since Flint wouldn't make him do the try outs officially this time, knowing he would get the seeker spot either way.

"Wait there's open positions?" Harrison had asked and Flint had shrugged, "We have to give people a chance, usually I'd have to let everyone try out again, but Snape decided to let me keep you on the team at least."

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