At least you're not tiny anymore.

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Sorry it took so long! I have been on a small vacation and then had to do a LOT of work to make it to my deadlines so that was both fun and sucked, now my testweek almost starts so I (still) can't promise quick updates. I'm so sorry! Thank you all for your patience!

I, however, officially finished my last few english exams with A+ and never have to take another english class in my life. So yay for that!

(I am so going to miss the english teachers.)

The problem with waking up from a week long coma just to end up looking two years older is that nobody knows what happened.

The problem of that happening while you're Harrison is that everyone feels like it's in their right to know every single thing that happens to you.

There were a lot of rumours of curses, dark rituals; some students even decided that Harrison probably was actually fifteen, but had decide that he wanted to hide this to be seen as a prodigy.

This theory was quickly marked as bullshit, because even as a fifteen year old, he still was a prodigy.

No one knew the truth, besides his family, Tom, Blaise and himself. He had told Blaise due to the pure worry of the boy and the noble sacrifice he made by visiting Tom, who might've tortured him during his little visit.

Of course that made people complain even more. So he went to the Room of Requirement, sat down for two full hours, writing a long letter to Rita, telling the woman that she could publish this story only if she included every part of it.

Only three days later it was on the front page of the Daily Prophet, Harrison once again wondered how nothing more interesting happened in the entirety of the Wizarding World.

"Is this true?" Pansy asked, "Magic gave you another gift?"

Harrison nodded, "I suppose."

"How do you know it doesn't have any side effects?"

"Besides suddenly being even more hormonal?" Harrison asked, "If she added anything else, she's a cruel deity and I will no longer worship her."

Pansy snorted, "At least you're not tiny anymore."

Harrison supposed that's fair, although he still hoped he could get taller than his current 5 feet and 9 inches.

"I suppose the main side effect is Hope glaring at me all day." Harrison said, it was something that was hard to ignore. The girls eyes had been on him the whole time, she was angrily stabbing food right now, while listening to Hermione read her the newspaper.

Pansy glanced at the girl, "She is kind of pathetic."

Harrison nodded in agreement, "I can't wait to see if I can join the Wizengamot meetings, and if I can, see Lord Potters face."

"Oh right! My parents told me he joined, weird how he has been so calm in there. None of the attention is on him."

"Maybe," George said as he sat down opposite of Harrison, "It isn't that he has not been trying, but all the attention is always on Harrison's boytoy."

"I'm going to tell him you called me that." Harrison replied, rolling his eyes.

"During one of your weekly visits?" George asked, smirking.

Harrison raised an unimpressed eyebrow and George laughed, "I'll watch out for an angry Dark Lord then."

It was at that exact moment a loud pang came from the other side of the great hall, Harrison glanced at the Gryffindor table and Hope, who was currently covered in pumpkin juice.

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