I think I won, sweetheart.

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Did I write this entire chapter while on vacation? Yes. Do I regret it? Fuck no.

Harrison stumbled through the cabinet, almost falling directly into Tom. He felt a wave of confusion and amusement over him and glared at the man. "I forgot," He muttered, "About the weekly visits thing."

"You weren't at the Wizengamot meeting," Tom said and Harrison shrugged, "Dumbledore wouldn't let me go, something about being a slacking prefect."

"Are you okay?" Tom asked, "Do you need anything?"

Harrison bit on his lip nervously before extending his hand, Tom raised an eyebrow, but took Harrisons hand in his.

It seemed to do the job, Harrison visibly relaxed and then glared at Tom's smirk. "You know it's rude, I have to deal with the consequences of you splitting your soul."

Yet even now, while he was glaring at Tom he kept the man's hand in his, not wanting to let go of the quite comforting feeling. The start of a headache he had been feeling the past few days faded slowly, but surely.

Tom just squeezed in his hand before returning to whatever he had been doing before Harrison had barged in. Harrison could not believe the man was not making fun of him right now, but on the other hand he did feel something close to guilt over the link. Perhaps the man really was blaming himself for putting Harrison in this situation.

Harrison twisted his wrist, making the chair that was usually on the opposite side of Tom's desk move to where he was standing, the side of Tom's desk, and sat down. He sat there for a while, watching Tom read over a pile of files, skimming through them mostly, before moving onto the next.

"What are you working on?" Harrison asked and Tom glanced at him, "It's just-" he sighed, "The Ministry trusts Fudge too much, god knows why, but it seems like at least seventy percent of the Wizengamot thinks he's doing pretty well."

"He's easy to manipulate. Lords can use that." Harrison said and Tom nodded, "I can't just suggest we have a revote for a new Minister."

"So you want people to not trust Fudge anymore." Harrison stated more than asked and Tom nodded, "Yet, his history is entirely boring, perfect scores at Hogwarts, nothing wrong during his time at the Ministry. The man has no bad past."

"So make the people think they can't count on him anymore?" Harrison asked, "You're Lord Voldemort, come up with something."

"Fudge-" Tom muttered, "Fudge loves playing safe, hates chaos."

Harrison gave him a confused look and Tom continued, "You're right I am Lord Voldemort."

"Will all my work of the past three years be undone, because I just said 'you're lord Voldemort'?"

"No- no." Tom said, "It's just what causes more chaos than Lord Voldemort returning? We've talked so long about using the return to make sure people trust Marvolo Gaunt, but what if we also use it to make them doubt Fudge's ability?"

"You want Voldemort to return?" Harrison asked, "Like soon?"

"Perhaps-" Tom smiled and Harrison watched him slowly form a plan in his mind, his smirk slowly widening, "The Triwizard tournament, they want to bring it back. Sounds like something Lord Gaunt and Heir Black would agree with, right?"

"Not really."

"I mean of course, we do not, but our political figures, we stand for unity." Tom said, "So we'll vote in, the Triwizard tournament will happen, you will enter and make sure nothing happens to the other, because god knows what they'll make you do and then-"

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