Goodbye once again

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This one is a bit shorter, after this chapter most chapters are around 5k words, though.


It was Harrisons tenth birthday and this one felt different than all the others he had here.

Harrison blamed it on the fact that it was the last birthday he would spend here; he would go back to the year 1991 after spending 10 years in the past.

Life is crazy.

But beside the fact that this was his last birthday here it was still weird how all the founders seem to be nervous around him today and that even Merlin was here.

He decided to ignore it, he would find out later why they were so nervous.

So when it was finally time for gifts- because even though Harrison thought the fact that they took him in and took care of him as if he was their own child was enough, the founders still loved spoiling him.- He sat down carefully at the table in the meeting room.

He looked around the room to see the founders all looking at him nervously.

"eh? Hi?" Harrison said and Rowena giggled, "Sorry, for acting so weird today-"

"We have a special gift for you! That is, well, if you accept." Godric said, fully interrupting Rowena's apology, making the woman scowl at him.

"There's no easy way to explain this is there?" Salazar groaned and Merlin shook his head.

"We want to blood adopt you, Harrison, all of us. It will legally make you our heir." Helga explained softly and Harrisons eyes went wide, "You're serious?"

"Yes, I brewed the potions a few weeks ago." Salazar said and Rowena said, "We were gonna do this right before you left, but this is your last birthday with us."

"Is that why Merlin is here?"

Merlin laughed, "When Helga said all of us she meant it, Harrison."

Salazar quickly did explain that there was a chance he wouldn't be able to claim Slytherin lordship when he turned 17, because he still had a living heir, the rest of the founders didn't.

"So what's your answer?" Godric asked and Harrison nodded, "Yes- Of course!"

He couldn't quite believe this was happening, the founders actually cared enough about him to make him their son in blood. He knew they cared about him; they had made that clear over the years, but this was a whole different level of caring about him.

He watched as all of the founders and Merlin added a few drops of blood into a potion that turned into a quite dark red.

"Drink it Harrison." Godric said handing him the potion and he did.

The feeling was quite weird, his blood felt like it was slowly warming up and he could actually feel his heart beating through his whole body. He also felt his skin slightly morphing, he knew how blood adoptions worked, it makes you look a bit like the person blood adopting you, but without ruining the looks you got from your biological mom and dad.

"You're taller." Rowena noted and Harrison silently cheered in his head, he had hated being very short.

"Your eyes look a bit more AK green than they did before- I didn't even know that was possible." Godric said and Helga giggled, "It makes you look kinda intimidating, like your reading my soul."

Harrison hadn't changed a lot, he had grown an inch or two and his hair turned a little lighter- now more dark brown than the raven colour he had before. His eyes seemed like they were glowing.

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