I can hunt you down.

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Harrison woke up the next day in his own room in the Slytherin manor. His magic had at least recharged a bit, making it swirl around the room, his shields must have been broken somewhere during the fight.

He sighed, closing his eyes, focussing on his magic, getting it back under control slowly. Once he had done that he allowed himself to think about what happened yesterday. He had buried Rowena, allowed her to rest. He should probably talk to the woman sometime soon.

He had also made Terence, Fred and George skip a part of their Friday classes to come bury her with him. They should be back to the castle by now, probably enjoying Hogsmeade or detention.

And he was still here.

There was a soft knock on his door, Tom walking in after he shouted 'Come in."

"I thought you woke up," Tom said, amused. "Your magic was a mess."

"That's fully on you," Harrison replied, "I have never been that magically exhausted before." He watched Tom approach the bed. "Me neither," The man muttered.

"So what brought you here?" Harrison asked, as the man sat down on the side of the bed, "It's three pm, thought I'd see if you accidentally killed yourself with your magic."

"Really taking the job to get me back to Hogwarts safely serious, huh?" Harrison asked, as he sat up, instead of staying there, laying in his bed.

Tom snorted, "Sure, you can call it that." He said, "You still hurting anywhere? I can still call Narcissa."

"I'm fine, Tommy boy." Harrison said, "Did I wound you?" He was honestly curious, he remembered Tom using his magic to the best of his abilities after totally exhausting himself to heal Harrison, there was no way he could have healed himself afterwards.

"You broke my finger," Tom said and Harrison shot him a look, "Did I actually?"

Tom nodded, "I actually didn't notice it until this morning, so I wanted to heal it as soon as I figured out, but then I realised that I probably shouldn't do so myself." He said, "Then I wanted to go to Narcissa, but honestly I do not want to have to deal with Lucius and all the questions."


"It's still broken." Tom said, raising an eyebrow, "What did you expect me to say? That I went to Bella to get it healed-"

"Give me your hand," Harrison said, "Perhaps you should have gone to Bellatrix, she or the brothers could have done this."

"Me not using my magic due to-"

"Shut up," Harrison said, snatching Tom's hand, the man had already been holding it out, sort of. He inspected it, looking at the index finger, "That looks like it hurts like hell."

"I've had worse." Tom said, "Way worse."

"I know," Harrison replied, placing his fingers carefully over Tom's. He laughed, "Or did you want me to heal it with a kiss?" He asked and Tom rolled his eyes, "You shouldn't do magic at all."

"I'm fine," Harrison said, "Sirius was being dramatic with the twenty-four hour thing. Even if I wasn't I would have healed your finger, it's the least I could do."

"I can do it myself."

"You could," Harrison agreed, "But you didn't do it earlier, so accept my help."

Tom rolled his eyes, but he had that soft smile that he reserved only for Harrison on his face, Harrison couldn't help himself. He lifted his fingers from Tom's hand, instead grabbing the entire hand carefully, bringing it to his face.

He tried his best to push the magic into the finger, while connecting his lips with Tom's hand, watching the man's reaction through his eyelashes.

Miraculously, it worked, the finger seemingly healing itself in a matter of seconds.

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