Welcome to the darkside

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I wrote this during my exam week while I was sleep deprived af, please don't have high expectations... Especially since it's only 3k words.


Fred and George spend their Christmas in Hogwarts. They had gotten multiple invitations from friends, but decided they would enjoy spending their Christmas more in the Slytherin's common room.

Today, however, they had gotten permission to leave school grounds to meet up with aunt Muriel.

They hadn't seen their aunt in like forever. Molly hadn't liked Muriel since Fabian and Gideon died.

So when they were led into the big pureblood manor they just froze to look around in awe for a bit. This was what pureblood life should be like. They didn't know what their family had done to get all of this taken away from them, but it must've been bad.

"Follow me, boys." Muriel said, leading them to a drawing room in the big manor. When they arrived in the room Muriel told them to sit down and then called for an elf to get them tea.

"We have a lot to discuss." Muriel said and Fred and George were confused, to say the least. "Of course, Molly wouldn't have told you." She sighed.

The elf popped back and gave tea, before disappearing again.

Muriel grabbed a cup, "Of course you have heard of the Prewett's before, since you are part of this family."

Fred and George nodded.

"We have a tradition. Molly hated it, it's what caused her to stop talking to me." Muriel explained, "The Prewett's Lords are always identical, magical twins. Fabian and Gideon were the last one. They allowed me to take over until there was a new set of twins in the family."

"That's us," George realised and Muriel nodded, "I couldn't tell you before, Molly has been trying to steal the Prewett fortune for a while, exclaiming how she is Heir to the line. I assume this is also the reason she didn't tell you about the title."

"So how does it work?" Fred asked and Muriel smiled, "Don't worry about that, we'll visit Gringotts later, I just want to get to know you better. You are, after all, the new Lords to the family I've been in for years."

Fred and George looked at each other not sure how much they could tell this woman.

"Don't worry," Their Aunt said, "I heard all about your little, pranks you call it? Not unlike what Fabian and Gideon used to do, it runs in the family."

Fred and George laughed and started telling their Great-Great Aunt about their lives.

The woman just listened, not judging like Molly always said she would. It was refreshing.


Harrison and Voldemort walked into the room full of people, both of them hadn't been seen since Harrison told everyone to leave the room.

"Harry!" Sirius shouted running towards them, hugging his godson. "I was so worried."

"I'm fine," Harrison said, when Remus and Megan also came to make sure he was okay. He swore he felt the Magic wash over him, a diagnostic charm, he quickly realised.

Voldemort just stood there, everyone in the room could easily feel his dominating presence, he also released a bit of his magic. It was probably a intimidation tactic. Lucius and Narcissa could only rudely- in a not Malfoy way- stare at their once again very human Lord.

"Eh, Pads, Moony, Megan, meet Dark Lord Voldemort." Harrison said dramatically, making the man glare at Harrison.

An awkward silence came over the room, no one seeming to know what to say or to do, Harrison snorted.

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