growing up in the past.

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Harrison sat on his broom flying above the castle, Godric had been teaching him how to play quidditch when he found out Harry was a natural flyer. Helga absolutely hated the thought of her child so high in the air, but had to admit it was also impressive to see the things he could do at such a young age.

Helga was the one who teaches Harrison the least, but every time she was his teacher she had to be impressed with how naturally came to Harrison. He had been here for six years now, his seventh birthday had just passed and in the one year they started their serious classes Harrison already mastered everything from year 1-3.

That was without wand.

To say the founders were amazed was an understatement. They had noticed he was a prodigy after the first week of having him, but this was more than just a prodigy.

Beside going through the whole curriculum so fast, Harrison was bored, everyone noticed. So Salazar and Rowena teamed up to teach him how to edit and create spells and potions, it was quite impressive to see a seven year old kid write sentences of magic into a notebook, just to create a spell.

It started easy: making a better summoning charm, instead of something flying through the air to him, he could now teleport things to him.

He did that in the first month of learning how to edit spells.

But that wasn't the only sign of him being a genius, he also did everything not only wandless, but also wordless. A lot of times he told them he didn't even know the incantation to a spell, instead just thinking of it happening.

So yes, their little Harrison surprised them again and again. All they could think was; he has to have one thing he can't do right? But so far none of them had found anything, He was good at flying, spells, potions and even at Care of Magical Creatures, which took a lot of patience not a lot of people have.

Harrison always just told them he had the best teachers and that that's the only reason he could do the things that he could, that might be partly true, but somehow the founders doubted that they had a big part in the insane amount of control and magical power this child had.

Harrison landed on the ground, he had cast a Tempus and realised that a lot more time passed than he thought, Salazar wanted to meet up with him, something about finally teaching him the skill of wand-making or something useless like that. Harrison honestly didn't understand the need for wands, he was doing just fine without that.

But Merlin had explained to him in multiple classes that being able to use magic wandless was very rare and even more rare in the future- his time. So to hide the fact that he had years of training for Dumbledore, he needed a wand.

Harrison didn't ask why he needed to hide something from a man called Dumbledore, he remembered a lot from his first year- he didn't know why either, sometimes he wished he could forget.

But at the same time he wanted to keep the good memories, his godfather and his friend, man he would even like to remember his sister.

Harrison decided however that he wouldn't use his wand a lot, he had heard of wizards using a wand and losing the skill of wandless magic. So instead he decided to ask Salazar if it would be possible to make two wands: one that really functioned as a wand and the other one just an identical piece of wood.

Salazar would probably agree anyways, even if it was just to make Harry happy.

Harry went downstairs to dungeons, running his hands across the long walls that all seem to be the same, once he felt the little stone he was searching for he hissed, "Open".

Salazar had shown this room when he realised Harry was a parseltongue, it was a private sort of office with a small duelling place to practice dark spells on dummies safely.

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