I might've talked to death.

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Me? Updating? That's crazy.

The rest of their trip through Europe flew by, suddenly Harrison was full time at school again, besides the days he had to go to the Wizengamot.

He spend most of his time at school reading about the issues in the Wizengamot, because he had missed a lot the past few years. Tom was, luckily, always there to help him.

Meanwhile, he also started attending classes again and started realising just why Daphne had decided their new History teacher was hiding something. The man was suspicious and way too obsessed with Dumbledore.

And that was a bad combination.

So today, three weeks after returning, Harrison finally got time to visit the Chamber and deal with Regulus. He had done a shit ton of research and hoped that- if everything he had heard, read and seen was correct- he could just allow Regulus to re-enter his body.

It was risky as fuck and he told literally nobody besides Sirius, Remus and Tom he was doing this.

So naturally, the three men decided they had to be there when he actually executed his plan.

Harrison didn't mind the extra support, if anything went wrong he'd have three powerful men who could at least try and help him. However, he did worry about Sirius. He had told Sirius they had retrieved the body, of course, but Sirius had not gotten the chance to actually see this deformed version of his little brother yet.

He led the two men to the entrance of the Chamber, asking for stairs before making the all too familiar trip down. When they entered the main hall, Tom was already there, waiting with Regulus' body.

Sirius stayed scarily quiet and Harrison once again started questioning if this was really the best idea, but then the man just approached the body and muttered, "Soon, soon you'll be back."

Meanwhile Remus was standing behind the man comforting him.

And all Harrison could do was hope, pray to whatever deity was living to grant him this wish, just so that he wouldn't have to see the disappointment on Sirius' face if this all went wrong.

"Okay so what is the plan?" Tom asked, breaking the heavy silence that fell over them.

"I'm going to try to see Regulus and then-" Harrison started as Tom handed him the stone he had left at Tom's manor, the resurrection stone. "I'm using this to force him back to the real world."

"It's risky," Tom muttered and Harrison nodded, "But if it works."

Tom nodded, he had known what Harrison was going to do, or at least understood it from what Harrison had told him. Now standing here, he wondered how big his chance of succession actually was.

Then again, Harrison had proved over and over again that he could and would make the impossible possible.

Harrison sat down on the cold floor next to Regulus' body, trying to ignore Tom reaching out to help him, he could not get distracted right now.

He grabbed the cold hand of the body in front of him before letting his magic go, freeing the ability with it. He ignored everything around him, even if it was hard to ignore the presence of literal people in his magic.

And then he just sat there, trying to connect with Regulus.

Nothing happened.

It was strange how he couldn't feel anything at all, no presence. He was sure Regulus was helping him, trying to make it work from the other side, yet it didn't.

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