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Almost 10k words long chapter- oops?


Harrison had to spend one month with his parents and Hope. He totally forgot about the fact that 'August' was also a month and since he returned at the 31st of July he would have to spend the whole month in this house.

Harrison spend the first two days avoiding everyone who could possibly come over to their home, like Ron and Molly Weasley. He also avoided his own parents and Hope, only joining them for meals, but even then he wouldn't talk to them.

Today, the 3rd of August was different, though. When Harrison sat down for dinner his mom looked at him and said, "You know how we picked you up at your birthday?"

Harrison nodded, not bothering answering, surprised she even remembered that it had been his birthday, too.

"Well, since we couldn't have a party for Hope then, we decided to have on in a couple of days, the 7th to be exact. You will be there, that means no hiding in your room." Lily said and Harrison nodded, not showing any emotion on his face.

"Who did you guys invite?" Harrison asked and James said, "The Weasley's, Longbottom's, Diggory's, Amelia and Susan Bones and some others."

Harrison snorted, "Right, no 'dark' pureblood families. Is Megan coming? I have some questions about my core."

James raised an eyebrow, but Lily nodded, "I did invite her, so she'll probably try to show up."

"Okay fine and are all the Weasleys coming? I met some of them in Diagon Alley a few days ago." Harrison asked and Lily smiled, "I'm glad you're not throwing a fit about this, I suppose that most of them will be here. I don't know about Bill and Charlie, but the past few years they did show up."

Harrison nodded once again and then turned back to eating, Lily and James started talking about what kind of decoration Hope wanted for her birthday and Harrison honestly wanted to leave as soon as possible.

When he did finish eating he looked at his family, who once again pretended he didn't exist so he took that as a sign he was free to leave.


Two days later Harrison went to Diagon alley on his own for the first time, Draco had asked if he wanted to meet up with the boy and Harrison agreed immediately. Draco had warned him that his parents would be there, Harrison had just told him it was fine, it wasn't like his parents were coming.

Or that they would even notice he was gone.

So now he was standing outside some fancy restaurant, he had decided to not tell too much to Draco yet, not talking about the dark or light side, just about more standard subjects.

After all, he wasn't sure how his parents would react if Harrison just casually mentioned that he was planning to bring back their lord.

He walked into the restaurant and got led to the place Draco and his parents were sitting, Mrs. Malfoy smiled at him politely, "We almost thought you wouldn't show up."

"I had to wait till my parents finished talking about how great Hope is," Harrison rolled his eyes, "I don't think they even know I'm here right now, not that I didn't tell them they just don't bother listening."

He sat down with every bit of grace that a pureblood heir should be, "I am glad to get the chance to leave the house, I've been meaning to come back here, but I never quite had a reason to do so."

"Is there anywhere you would like to go specifically? We could show you around." Draco said, with the excitement of a little child, Harrison inclined his head, "Actually, I've been searching for a certain book on wands that I can't quite find here, I suppose I should look in Knockturn alley for it." He paused, "Unless you don't want to take me to there, I've heard stories about it, though I've never actually been there."

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