I don't know what could be called love

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I wrote this in TWO DAYS HOW?
Anyways I'm really proud of getting this one out here before I take my small leave.

I'll see you all somewhere next week <3

Lily Potter sat in front of him pathetically, the cuts on her skin disappearing well below her shirt, the blood seeping through the fabric, staining the white with a crimson colour that only inspired Voldemort to do worse.

Tom hadn't felt this much like Voldemort since Harrison made him sane again.

It was a weird sort of glee, as he hurt the woman who had put him in this situation to begin with.

"Who are you?" Lily croaked, the dehydration she was suffering in showing in her voice.

"Does it matter?" Tom asked, "Are you giving me answers?"

Lily opened her eyes slowly, "Why should I?"

Tom smiled at that, "I could just give you-"

"It was a book," Lily said slowly, "The secret section of Hogwarts, dark magics."

"Is it reversable?"

"Of course," Lily scoffed, "I'm not binding someone to me forever." She closed her eyes again and when Tom asked her for the exact ritual she didn't answer.

It had been almost four days full of torture and he hadn't gotten a lot out of Lily yet.

But now, he knew enough to do more specific research, it was a curse, a binding curse to be exact. He just needed to know exact book from the forbidden part of the Hogwarts library.

Before he left the woman alone he cast a slow cutting charm, painful, not deadly, he enjoyed seeing the blood stain the floors of this dungeon.


"There's an old ritual," Rookwood said, "It was made to bound pagan gods to the early wizards. They didn't know that Magic herself was a deity and instead bound parts of her powers to them, making it do magic for them."

"As in magic they couldn't do before?" Tom asked.

Rookwood nodded, "Yes, my Lord. Actually there are reasons to believe they got the powers to pull magic from the earth and use it to their own ability."

"Elementals." Tom said, "But forced elementals, not gifted."

"The binding grasped a certain part of Magics existence," Rookwood said, "There is no way to believe that it couldn't also be used on other Wizards."

"As in she wouldn't want to control Harrison, she's just taking parts of his magic?"

Rookwood nodded, "If it was bound to Harrison's magic."

"It has to be, it only bound truly when his magic fully broke through the wall of magic." Tom said, "So why can't Harrison move himself?"

"I have reason to believe that this curse was used with a simple mind controlling spell, weakening the victim enough to not fight it."

"So we break the controlling spell, let Harrison free." Tom said, "He just wouldn't be able to use his magic as much."

"There's one problem, My Lord." Rookwood muttered, "Killing Lily won't remove the binding."

Tom nodded, he kind of expected that, it couldn't have been that easy.

"Thank you, Rookwood." Tom said, "At least I'll be able to get his consciousness back."

Rookwood bowed and quietly left his office.

Tom sighed in relief as Rookwood left the office. Somehow, in his mind, he had forgotten that Lily wasn't an all-powerful figure. She wasn't even that close to being the most powerful witch and she didn't have a lot of experience with curses.

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