Wow, disrespect.

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I totally didn't write this on purpose. I told myself I would wait till after EXAMS. But i didn't, nobody is surprised.

Harrison watched his old professor in front of him, unsure what to really call her, right now. He settled on, "Good to see you again professor."

The woman managed to somewhat smile, although it didn't quite look like the one she had during most of their discussions last school year. "Mr. Black, you can call me Amelia." She said, that answered that question. "I hope you're not here to cause too much issues for me." She joked then, Harrison supposed that was fair, he was here alone as a teenager in the middle of a school year.

Oh, and he was three years older than he had been the last time they spoke.

"I can come back another time, if your not up for this all now?" Harrison asked, not sure what to make of the woman's mood.

"No, it's fine." Amelia said, "I just had to deal with trouble at Hogwarts all night."

"Wait, what happened at Hogwarts?"

"Nothing too crazy, Susan she fainted because a dementor took interest in her." Amelia sighed, "Poor girl."

"I heard about that," Harrison said, quickly adding, "I didn't know it was Susan, though."

"It's fine, what did you come here for?"

"Well, I hope this won't be too much trouble for you," Harrison replied, "I went to Gringotts yesterday, to get this whole thing tested. The test results," he handed Amelia a paper that Griphook had personally translated. "As you can see, confirm that I am old enough to claim my titles, magically."

"You didn't come here to-" Amelia said, laughing quietly to herself, "This is going to cause a lot of political trouble."

"Not for your position, I trust?" Harrison asked, Amelia shook her head, "I am going to sit back and enjoy the show. However," She hesitated, "Lord Potter has made some serious accusations about you aging up, by claiming your titles immediately, you might be proving his points about you doing this for power."

"You don't seriously believe I did this?"

Amelia shook her head, "No, no. I mean, some people do. I feel like I got to know you well enough to know you wouldn't."

Harrison nodded, trusting the woman enough to believe she was telling the truth. "What do you suggest, I wait till I claim my titles politically?"

"That would be a great loss of power," Amelia muttered, in her position she probably had to deal with a lot of powerful people thinking they were superior to her.

Yet she had the position with more political power.

"I think especially now I could use these powers," Harrison said, "They will help me convince people I'm not that bad of a person."

"Perhaps," Amelia said, "We should hold a trial, truth serum and all, you will tell them the truth."

Harrison nodded, "That sounds like a plan."

He knew that truth serum would not work on him, the rings he was wearing had protection against all kinds of truth serum. And even if the ring didn't work, his occlumency should be strong enough to stop potion from working fully.

"I shall owl you when I have more information," Amelia said, "I am happy you have decided to take your rightful place in the Wizengamot."

"Do I need to sign anything?" Harrison asked and Amelia shook her head, "The Gringotts papers are enough."


Harrison approached Susan a day later, asking the girl about her experience with dementors.

"I had never felt so cold in my life," The girl said, after talking about when and where exactly it had happened. "Then suddenly I was just gone, all I could hear was my parents, isn't that crazy? They haven't been here for ages."

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