Normal teenage life (or something like that)

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The Black family saved the abandoned Potter son!

A few days ago Harrison Sirius Black- we'll get into why his name changed later-, Sirius Orion Black and Remus Lupin came to the Daily Prophet building and offered me a story no one had heard yet.

It's a well-known fact that the abandoned Potter son returned to us a few months ago, just before the start of the Hogwarts year. No one knows where he spent years of his life and no one knows if he was actually safe the time he wasn't with the Potters. None of the Potters ever seemed to care, though. This split up the dark and light families even more, a big part of the grey families moving to side with the dark.

Now, however, we do have more information about Harrison Black's past. He seemed upset while telling us the following story:

"I remember a lot of that night, Sirius and Remus tried to stop them from giving me away, but the Potters and Dumbledore insisted it was for 'the greater good'. The next day I was sent to my muggle family, the very same family my biological mother left, because of their hatred for magic. They were abusive to say the least, but I took comfort in the fact that I knew I was special, I remembered my magic. I found some old portraits in the attic, my aunt tried to hide them from me, but I was a curious boy who was left alone for weeks if not months sometimes. So of course, I found them. The portraits, which turned out to be the Hogwarts founders helped me a lot. They taught me about magic, since all my magic could be blamed on accidental magic I practiced for hours at a time. I don't think I would've been here if it hadn't been for those portraits, my magic saved me from my family multiple times."

I didn't ask him any more questions on this subject that obviously bought up bad memories, instead we moved onto talking about the more recent events, I asked him what it was like being back with Potters for the past few months.

"It hasn't been great, to be honest. I suspected they would be happier to see me, but instead they treated me as some sort of trophy to show people that they were kind people, by taking the poor orphan boy back. It didn't work of course, since the only reason I didn't have a family was them. The first month they pretty much ignored me, only when people were visiting they acted like proper parents. Then Hogwarts started and all they did was complain about me doing well in school, about how there was no way I was better than Hope. They couldn't even stand me for more than 4 months until they disowned me again."

And, my dear readers, if that wasn't a shock! Harrison seemed surprised by the fact we didn't know about the disownment yet and then said it was probably because the Potters didn't want people to find out, though.

"Luckily Sirius saved me, the day afterwards he officially adopted me. It wasn't weird for either of us, since even as a little kid Sirius was always more a father to me than James ever was. I hate to think what would have happened if Sirius hadn't been there, I wouldn't have a house, a family or well anything really. Sirius quite literally saved me." Heir Black laughed a little, "And if that isn't surprising! Since everyone is always telling me how bad the dark side is, yet they are the ones that cared about the fact I was abandoned, not the light side."

And Heir Black has a point, dear readers, maybe the dark side isn't as bad as we think it is.

Rita Skeeter, the Daily Prophet.

"It's front page?" Harrison asked, his friends were reading the Daily Prophet with shock written across their faces.

"Of course it is," Blaise said, "There hasn't been a story like this for a while, how did you even get Skeeter to do this?"

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