Quite the celebrity, you are.

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"So Heir Black," Umbridge said, "You want the dementors out of Hogwarts just because you yourself attracted them?" She asked as Harrison presented his case to the Wizengamot.

"Any person who has paid attention knows I- like many others- have always said they are seriously dangerous." Harrison said, "Have you researched what long term exposure does to people, Madame? Or do you just throw people into Azkaban without knowing the long term effects?"

"The dementors never came close to any student."

"Susan Bones would beg to differ." Harrison said, "As well as many other students who the dementors mistook for Death Eaters just because they're so hungry, you are starving them out there." Harrison looked the witch right in the eyes, "You know how they get their food know?"

Umbridge shook her head.

"They use Thestrals, control them in some way, get them close to kids, these kids will be reminded of the deaths they saw and dementors feed on the sad energy they put out." Harrison said, "Is that the 'right learning environment for the future of the Wizarding world'? That you so desperately wanted to use dementors for to create?"

It had been in the newspaper a few weeks before, Umbridge sprouting how the dementors truly helped Hogwarts and would keep students safe, preserving the right learning environment for the future of the Wizarding World. It was quite ironic.

"They need to be fed?" Some light wizard asked and Harrison scoffed, "They're not some machines, they're living, breathing creatures. Yes they need food! Just not the type we eat, why do you think they snack on whatever soul we give them? They're hungry enough to not fucking care what type of soul you feed them."

"I think Lord Black's case is quite clear," Fudge interrupted, Harrison didn't know what the man was thinking. After he and Tom had come back from their trip to Europe, Fudge had thanked them, telling them how some of the Ministers already sought out contact.

He had however asked them to convince the Ministers that the dementors were good for Hogwarts.

Harrison nodded, sitting back down as Fudge began reading through a bunch of arguments made in the discussion he had been in for the past hour or so. He drifted off, until Tom nudged him on his shoulder; the voting was about to start.

The Issue with big decisions like these were that not only did it need the most votes total; it also needed the most votes from both the light and the dark fraction. The lords who did not align themselves with either the light or dark fraction, would only be counted in the big vote.

Harrison sat nervously on the edge of his chair as they all voted, a lot of Wizards agreed. People like James and Lily, however did not agree, convincing the people around them to follow their example.

Then Fudge had announced that the dementors would be banished from Hogwarts grounds, Harrison could not believe what he'd heard, until he noticed Lady Longbottom, talking to the people around her, thanking them.

Neville had helped him in his very own way.

When Lady Longbottom noticed him looking she smiled and nodded at him, before turning back to the other Lords and Ladies.

"You'd think she'd be more subtle." Sirius said, "She has been in the politics game for a while."

Harrison shrugged, "I don't think this was something you need to be subtle about." He turned to look at his father and, well, soulmate, he mused. "We did it." He whispered in awe and Tom nodded, not quite showing how happy he actually was.

Marvolo Gaunt was a damned good politician, if nothing else.

Harrison could see the happiness shine through, though. He could literally feel how glad the man was to be rid of this threat.

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