Patience, sweetheart

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This chapter includes some smut lol, lots of feels. It's my first try don't hate, I will cry.

Tom was waiting for him, almost nervously tapping his finger on his desk as he watched the cabinet. It's not exactly everyday that he feels a flare of anger coming from Harrison. So he sat there an waited, trying to calm himself down.

Harrison was fine.

It was then that he stormed into Tom's office, a rat in his hand. "He made a fucking deal with Lily." Harrison spat as he motioned to the rat.

"Pettigrew?" Tom asked and Harrison nodded, "He made a deal with Lily?"

"Yeah, I saw them talking on the map and I just-" Harrison sighed, "If Pettigrew betrayed the dark, because he was scared of you and now went back to the light- it's just the most disgusting kind of person. No loyalty whatsoever."

"Thus the anger," Tom muttered, "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine," Harrison said, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Tom smiled at him, getting up from his chair, "Well have I ever shown you the Slytherin dungeons?"

He was pretty sure Harrison had seen them before, but he still started leading the man as if he had never been in the castle before. "It is my favourite spot after all."

"Any other people locked in there right now?"

"Currently?" Tom asked, "No, but I have used them in the past." The stairs were very similar to the staircase the Slytherins took to quickly go from the DADA classroom to their own common room. Only in this castle the staircase led to a room with a big room, leading to cells and other things such as chains to lock people up.

They locked Pettigrew in one of the cells together, charming the door to make sure that even in his animagus form the man wouldn't be able to slip out. Harrison then forced him back into human form, followed by Tom casting some more spells, one of them making sure that Pettigrew wouldn't be able to slip back into his animagus form easily.

"Harry-" Peter said, "This isn't what your-"

"Silence," Tom said, "You've failed me."

The rat grabbed his left arm in pain, looking up at Tom in shock, "My- My Lord."

Tom's lips moved upward into a smirk just slightly, even now that he was saner he enjoyed the power he had over everyone really. Only he didn't show it quite as aggressive. "So you do remember me?"

"Of course, I- I do, My Lord."

"Now you see, I wasn't quite sure, since you never even thought to seek me out." Tom said, "Somehow all the Death Eaters knew I returned, yet you stayed away?"

"I thought you were dead." Peter muttered.

Tom scoffed, "Right." He muttered, "I can forgive you for not trying to find and help me, Peter, truly."

Peter looked disgustingly hopeful, just one look sideways at Harrison told Tom enough, he was just as disgusted by the hope, yet ability to lie from a man in the situation of Peter.

"It's all in the past," Tom assured him. "Yet, you talking to the enemy, working together with a woman who tried to sabotage my-" He looked at Harrison again. "My equal, it's unforgivable."

"H-him?" Peter said, "You-"

He got cut off by a cruciatus curse, Tom casting it with a twitch of his wrist.

"Choose your words wisely, Peter." Tom said, "You don't have a lot of them left."

"Tom?" Harrison said softly, a weird look in his eyes. Tom felt something over the link, but it was hard to feel. "Should we just leave him here, to rot before we- y'know?"

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