Returning to Hogwarts

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Last part isn't proofread and kind of rushed and I still posted late, but I hope you all enjoy!


Voldemort had moved into Slytherin castle, which Harrison- unlike Slytherin's manor- had never seen. So when Harrison first visited he had to actually ask a house elf to lead him through the long halls.

He had decided to visit on the 31st of December, though he knew he had to go home early, Sirius had a sort of New Year's party planned.

The elf did so happily, leading Harrison to Voldemort's office on the other side of the castle. After that the elf quickly left. Harrison sighed and knocked on the door, not waiting for a response to enter.

"Hey, Happy birthday." Harrison said and Voldemort looked up, "I don't even know why I'm surprised you know when my birthday is."

"You really shouldn't be."

"I know, I know." Voldemort sighed, "What are you doing here, child?"

"Actually I'm here to tell you something and then based on my story ask you something," Harrison said, while studying the books in Voldemort's library. All of them were books about Dark Arts, though he was surprised when he came past the tales of Beedle the Bard.

"That sounds ominous." Voldemort said and Harrison laughed, "I mean, it's not that bad. I'm just telling you the truth about me, my life, I suppose. I'd hate for you to find out later by accident."

"Your life?" Voldemort raised an eyebrow, "I don't think I care, honestly."

"Believe me, you will." Harrison said, "You are the fifth person I'm telling, so take this as a sign of trust, if you will."

"I'm listening."

"Okay so where do I even start?" Harrison said, "You'd think I know where to start the third time."

"Since I'm getting the story of your life, let's start with your first year of living, before I tried to kill you?"

"Nah, that part is boring." Harrison laughed, "After you almost killed me, I got sent away by my family, everyone knows that part. Hope was 'the Girl-Who-Lived and I.. Well I was just her useless brother."

"If only they knew the truth," Voldemort said and Harrison nodded, "If only. Anyways, I got sent away to my muggle family, Dumbledore just put me on the doormat. So obviously I got kidnapped, I mean he should've expected that. Merlin went to get me and I lived my childhood years with the founders."

"Am I supposed to believe that?" Voldemort asked, looking unimpressed.

"It's true, I can show you the memories. I can't explain why, but it I really true." Harrison insisted, then he started going into more detail.

"At first the Founder's didn't really know what to do with me, they took care of me, of course. They never had a child before, though, so it was hard for them. Once they noticed how I could already control my magic at such a young age, they started explaining things to me. I think I was four when they taught me my first spell. After that it all started to go quicker, Sal taught me potions, wandlore and anything I asked him about, really. Rowena went more into specifics of magics, but she also really liked charms. Helga taught more about animals and healing and Godric- well we all know he is a master at duelling." Harrison laughed, "Salazar was the first one I really got a strong bond with and when he found out I was a parseltongue- well let's just say we did everything together. He was probably the closest thing to a dad I've had ever, I mean Sirius is great but that man-"

"He was there for you your whole past, it makes sense." Voldemort said and Harrison looked at him in surprise, not expecting the man to understand.

"Yeah, I suppose it does. Leaving them was the hardest thing I've ever done, but Merlin had been giving me history- or rather future classes and we all know this time would need my help. They all trusted me, they trusted me to make this right again. I got a lot of lessons about you specifically, so if I ever say something you never told me it's probably about that."

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