"You're not replacing me are you, darling?"

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It's basically been a year since I started this journey, now I am 200k words in. Thank you for all the love and support the entirety of this year. Honestly could not have kept the motivation without you all <3


Harrison spend a lot of time at Tom's place outside classes, it was honestly great to be able to travel between their places so quickly with the cabinet. The thing was, exams were approaching- quickly. Everyone in school seemed to be stressful, the library was as full as it could get and people had started studying in the four house common room, which at first had seemed to a room reserved for fun things.

Harrison did not even want to start about the Room of Requirement after he first decided to help people to learn in the place. Luckily, only a few students knew how to actually get in without there already being a door.

So to avoid all the public spaces full of stressing teenagers, Harrison visited Tom daily, the man didn't seem to mind too much. The third day he started asking Harrison about his opinion about political matters, which Harrison had rolled his eyes at. Then Tom reminded him that one day he would be the most powerful politician and that would not change in their long immortal lives- unless he somehow got kids with another powerful Lord.

That made Harrison shut up and listen to Tom explaining what the Ministry deemed important now.

"They want to take Dumbledore's power of picking all the teachers himself away," Tom said, looking at some papers spread on his desk.

"They what?" Harrison said, "Who's the other option, Fudge?"

"Actually," Tom said, clearing his throat, "This case states that we as the Wizengamot either vote for every teacher," He read out loud, "Under there it says, If everyone thinks we're too busy for that we shall make an board for Hogwarts. This will include parents and politicians alike."

"They want to make Hogwarts a play field for politicians? Great." Harrison muttered, "I suppose it can't be worse than Dumbledore, the man literally allowed you possessing Quirrel to teach us for a year."

Tom glanced up from his papers, Harrison could see a smirk on his face, "You think that's worse than Lockhart?"

"Lockhart's a close second." Harrison replied, "Poor, traumatised Quirrel."

"The man's doing fine, he's currently back in South America."

"If the Ministry takes control of the teachers, they might force Remus to quit." Tom admitted, "Dumbledore is a lot, but he's one of the few accepting Wizards of giving Werewolves another chance at life after they are turned."

"We'll have to stop it, I'm not exactly against the parents choosing." Harrison said, "You should promote that option."

Tom nodded in response, the Ministry really sucked most of the time. "I was planning to."

"I'm surprised I found something where I think Dumbledore is the best option," Harrison muttered, "That is besides when we have to pick a victim to test some new torture spell, he seems like a great option then."

"I so love it when you allow yourself to say evil things." Tom said, "I was wondering-" Tom stopped talking he seemed to be deep in thought. Harrison sat back in his chair, waiting for the man to finish his sentence.

"Can you show the whole Patronus thing?" Tom asked and Harrison gave him a surprised look, Tom never was one to directly ask for his shows of magic like others did. He nodded slowly, casting the now pretty familiar charm. He had practiced it a lot, but hadn't dared to cross the three Patroni mark yet.

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