"Tom Riddle? The Muggleborn? He's voldemort?" - "Half-blood actually."

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Ughh I have returned sorry it took so long, I've literally had the most busy weeks like ever. It was literally filled with school, work, exams 'nd homework. Besides all of that me and one of my teachers are working on making a DnD club in my school and I've been creating so many cool campaigns, which is fun but also a lot of work lmao.

I'm back for Christmas though! :)


Time is a funny thing, one moment the year just started and the next moment it's almost Christmas break.

Slytherin had won their first quidditch match easily, now Flint was once again relaxed, instead of constantly stressing out. After the quidditch match Christmas was rapidly approaching and you noticed it through the whole castle. Everyone needed the break and of course everyone was excited to spent the holidays with their family.

Harrison however spent his free time trying to figure out how to expose Lockhart as a fraud, without getting anyone into life threatening situation.

He was currently sitting in Tom's office, studying Lockhart's books, trying to find anything, a clue as to how to do this. He wasn't actually sure where Tom was, but lately he had come here more often to just escape the crowds in Hogwarts.

"Please don't tell me you're some Lockhart fan." Tom spoke, when he saw what Harrison was looking at, the man was standing in the door opening of his office. "That would be enough to murder the oh so feared Dark Lord Voldemort, because if that were the case I'd jump off this building right now."

Harrison snorted, looked up and saw Tom standing in his formal robes.

He looked away, "I'm trying to prove the fool is a fraud."

"Just let him fight the-"

"Without killing anyone."

"Bummer," Tom said. Harrison looked at Tom again, "First Wizengamot meeting?"

Tom nodded, taking the chair on the other side of the desk, not even trying to force Harrison away from behind his desk. "Just introducing Lord Gaunt,"

"Sounds boring."

"It is, believe me." Tom said, "At least you get to manipulate people."

"Want to swap places?" Harrison said, pointing at the books. Tom smirked, "No, I'll let you suffer."

"And here I was thinking you would be honoured to get to help me."

"As soon as the basilisk gets involved, I'm in."

"No killing, Tommy boy."

"Killing is my signature move." Tom said, "Literally."

"Bummer," Harrison said, "If you really want to kill someone, kill Dumbles. Oh! Or that one follower of yours who I met at the Yule ball last year."

"I'm still planning his slow death, but it's more fun to do when everyone knows I'm back." Tom said, "I'll do a full meeting soon."

"Can I join?"

"You can't seriously want to?" Tom asked, "It's literally people trying to suck up to me, while I just ignore or torture them."

"Sounds fun, I'm excited to see you get all dark lordey."

Tom looked sceptical, but Harrison returned to his book, so Tom just sighed and summoned some sort of paper he had to read, Harrison honestly didn't pay attention.

It took five minutes till Harrisons mind started to wander, honestly Lockhart wasn't even a talented writer, Harrison doubted the man had any real talents.

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