"Of course, you know me, always befriending the furries"

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This was written over a long time, I wrote like 500 words per day. So that's the reason if it's messy, enjoy?


The next morning was strangely one of the best mornings Harrison had since summer break, where he had admittedly spent a lot of time at Toms. When he had woken up he stressed about being late for classes, but then he remembered it was weekend. The Slytherins would cover for him, since if he wasn't in his dorm, of course he would be at Toms.

So Harrison allowed himself to get up way later than he usually would, even in the weekends. When he did finally convince himself to get up he quickly changed before he went to the dining room, where Tom was sitting, Harrison wasn't sure whether the man had been waiting on him or just woke up too.

By the amused smile he got from the man, he guessed it was the former.

"Sorry," He mumbled, quickly joining Tom.

"Hey I remember being a teenager," Tom said, "No one's blaming you for being tired."

"Honestly, it's kind of your fault, how are the beds in this house so comfortable?" Harrison asked, even though he knew that the beds had been picked very carefully by one of the ancestors. "I also can not imagine you getting up late, even as a teenager."

Tom shrugged, "I am not a morning person. I do have to admit that around fifth year getting up late became impossible for me, due to-"

"Death Eaters?"

"Knights of Walpurgis at the time," Tom said, "If you ever decide to start a group like that, tell them that they don't have to let you check every single thing they do, at some point it got annoying."

Harrison laughed, when suddenly breakfast appeared in front of him, the entire time he ate he spent listening to Tom complaining about the old Knights of Walpurgis.

Once he was back in Hogwarts no one had missed him necessarily, of course the Slytherins had noticed his absence, but like expected they had told everyone something about him obsessing over some new kind of magic and that they had tried to ask what it was about, but that once he started explaining it all seemed to complex to even try to understand so they left alone.

His friends knew him so well.

"How's Voldemort doing?" Tracey asked sitting down next to him on a couch in the corner of the four house common room. The room had immediately become a popular place for friend groups with people from different houses, although there had been a few fights between houses already- they had only discovered the room a day or two ago- causing Harrison to look into any kind of magic to prevent these fights from happening.

Harrison gave the girl a look, "That's a weird question."

"Is it?" Tracey asked, "You've made the man sane again, so you say at least and I have to admit the few times I've seen him he seemed normal enough. Is it strange that I'm curious enough to ask for updates?"

"I suppose not," Harrison sighed, "I don't have a lot to say, Tom is well- he's doing well. Really well. Lately he's been a lot more human then before, I don't know how to explain it." Harrison paused, "Okay I'm going to say this, but Tom will probably kill you if you share this with anyone, just out of embarrassment."

Tracey seemed curious and concerned at the same time, Harrison supposed that was an appropriate response."

"I think he's a hugger." Harrison said then, Tracey giving him the most disbelieving look ever. "I mean- He hugged me twice now, but I think he's just embarrassed about the fact that he's a hugger. Both times he had a good excuse to hug me, but he just seemed like-"

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