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Not proofread, but I do like this chapter ;)


Harrison woke up like usually, which on its own was suspicious.

After his usual morning routine he got up and walked down the stairs, constantly scanning the halls for any signs of pranks. There were none.

When he finally joined his family Sirius showed him the plate with pancakes, "Kreacher made them." He said, not adding anything else.

Why all of this was so weird?

It was his birthday, 31st of July, Harrison was sure they had planned something.

He just sat down, ignoring the identical smirks on the twins faces. The moment he had sat down there was a loud noise, making him jump out of his chair. When he looked behind him he saw a cake with his name on it.

"I'm-" Harrison laughed, "I didn't expect this."

"Well we knew you were going to expect something so we had to make it more complex then we usually would." Fred explained, "Wouldn't want you knowing what we were going to do before it happened."

That's when confetti seemed to come from nowhere and suddenly his friends were also there.

"Oh-" Harrison said and then Sirius turned into a dog jumping happily around while people started singing happy birthday- which wizards also do in this time? They sure as hell didn't in the Founders time.

Harrisons mind had a hard time keeping up with everything that happened.

When they finished the song and Harrison was still gaping at the whole scene, Fred and George high-fived, "We did it! We broke the Harrison Sirius Black!"

Harrison snapped his mouth shut, to glare at the twins.

"It's okay little brother," Fred smirked, George continuing for him, "It happens to everyone."

Harrison way too amused at the twin speak- because admittedly he hadn't heard it in a while, since the twins only used it to confuse other people – to continue glaring at them.

Also, maybe the Twins calling him 'little brother' made him melt on the inside, but he would never admit that.

"Don't think so highly of yourself," Harrison just said instead, turning to say hey to all his friends. Fred and George just continued to smile at their now- legally- brother.

The gifts he got were mostly books about complex magics, though the book Sirius gave him was something different entirely.

"I searched for a while," Sirius admitted, "I wanted something special for my Pups birthday. I found this in a shop in Knockturn Alley, the owner said it was a personal diary from Salazar Slytherin, however no one is sure, because it's in Parselscript." Sirius laughed, "I thought that whatever it was, you'd be interested in it either way."

"You're right about that one," Harrison muttered, flicking through the book with familiar scribbles, "It does look like Sal's Parselscript handwriting." He concluded, looking up from the book.

"Thank you, I love it." Harrison said then, hugging his godfather.

Fred and George gave him some prank products they created and Remus gave him a whole collection of rare potion ingredients, Harrison honestly had no idea how Remus had found most of these.

"Alright, alright. I was promised food, where is it?" Pansy asked then looking at Harrison, "I only came here for the food." She said seriously, it took ten seconds for her face to break out into a grin.

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