The Diary

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This is basically the other half of last weeks chapter :)


Okay, no scrap that. Harrison should've known there were no things such as good days.

Harrison had returned to his dorm later then usually that day, which I mean there was nothing wrong with that. However, when he tried to find his diary, the diary, he found nothing. There was nothing in his pockets.

He knew none of the Slytherins would've done this, not wanting to risk getting Harrison in a murderous mood. So there was really only one person who cared enough about annoying him to do something like this. And that made it even worse.

The thought that Hope managed to steal something from him without him noticing was- well kind of impressive honestly. Especially because Harrison hadn't seen Hope.

He wasn't worried about Hope figuring out he talked to Tom; the spells on the diary made it look like a normal diary, full of parselscript. If she tries to write something in it she would get a small shock, the shocks would get worse every time she tries to write.

Because Tom was that dramatic, right now, Harrison was kind of glad.

Harrison wrote a quick letter to Tom, sneaking out to get it to Hedwig, then he decided that he would try to get the vanishing cabinet from the ROR tomorrow, so the next time- not that he thought anyone would ever be able to steal anything from him again.- he would have a way to go to Tom's house when something like this happens instead.

After he did all of that, he let himself sleep, hoping Tom wouldn't be too angry. He didn't want the man to do something stupid in his rage.


Everybody noticed something was up with Harrison the next day. Mostly because of his quick answers and the fact that he showed no interest in anything.

He also spent the whole day looking around the Gryffindor table, trying to spot his Diary.

"God fucking dammit." Harrison muttered, when once again he saw nothing at the Gryffindor table.

"Okay," Pansy sighed, "What is up with you today?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It sure as hell does matter! Harrison, you've been acting like a fucking child all day! Now, you better tell us what's going on-"

"Or you what?" Harrison asked, "What exactly will you do?"

Pansy shook her head, "You're acting like Draco." She said under her breath, so only Blaise and Harrison could hear it. Blaise snorted, Harrison glared at both of them.

"Someone stole my diary." Harrison muttered and Pansy's eyes widened, "The Diary?"

"Yes of course!" Harrison said, "I wouldn't give a shit if it was a literal Diary! Like sure read all about my life you want, no one will believe you anyways."

"This could be bad." Pansy said and Harrison nodded, "I think it's Hope, but I wouldn't know how, I didn't see her all day yesterday."

"We'll help you get it back." Pansy said and Harrison nodded, "Thank you. There's one positive, if it actually is Hope who stole it there's no way she could break through all the protective spells."

"So no secrets?" Pansy asked, sounding relieved.

"I think the only thing she'll see is Beowulf translated in Parselscript." Harrison said, "I'm not sure, though, Voldy made the protective spells."

Pansy snorted, "I hope she tries to translate it, that'd be a pain in the arse."

Harrison agreed, it really would be funny if Hope managed to translate it.

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