The somehow functional Black family

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It took one week.

One week till the Black family house was a war zone. It all started when Fred and George turned Sirius into a dog, by putting some powder in his food. After that it escalated quickly, there wasn't a moment where the two teams weren't scheming, trying to prank the others.

Harrison didn't pick a side, too amused by the whole situation, that didn't mean that he didn't get multiple offers from both sides. He just refused, because he didn't want to pick a side. It was a stupid thing to do, either he ends up with Sirius and Remus trying to prank him when he was trying to be serious or Fred and George pranking him in the Slytherin common room.

After a few days he decided to visit Draco, since that was the best excuse to flee the house.

"Harrison!" Draco said, he probably felt the wards around the big manor let someone in, "Didn't expect you to visit."

"Same, honestly, but the Black house is currently a war zone." Harrison chuckled, "Fred and George turning Sirius into a dog was clever, though, I have to admit."

"Well, come, Pansy's also here." Draco led the way to the backyard, where Pansy was currently sitting in the grass. When she saw Harrison she literally jumped up and ran over to hug him.

"Harry!" She said. Harrison laughed, hugging the girl back.

"How's your break so far?" Pansy asked once she let Harrison go.

"I don't know, normal? It's still weird, being outside of Hogwarts." Harrison sighed, "I mean of course I went out sometimes with the Founders, but usually we would just stay in Hogwarts."

"You literally spent your entire life in Hogwarts," Pansy said, "It's understandable why it feels weird to just be kicked out."

"Did you know that in the Founders time they actually allowed students to stay in Hogwarts in summer break? It was an option, mostly because Muggleborns were unsafe in the Muggle word, mostly they got abused." Harrison explained, "It's weird, I escaped that life, it's not as bad this time as it was back then, but still if I had lived with Lily's sister I would've been abused heavily. They hate magic."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't grow up with them." Pansy said, "Come, no more negative thoughts."

Harrison nodded, before letting Pansy pull him away towards the place she had been sitting. On the ground was a half-finished flower crown.

Pansy smiled before saying, "I'm going to teach you, you have no choice."

Harrison shrugged, before turning to Draco, who was looking at them with a weird expression.

"Come join us!" Harrison said and Draco sighed, but did join them. Draco, too, got forced to learn how to make flower crowns, Pansy insisted that they would make matching crowns, sort of like friendship bracelets.

Harrison didn't complain, just listening to the girl's instructions. Draco, however, kept sighing and complaining about how bored he was and how these crowns would ruin his hair.

An hour later Harrison and Pansy were laying on their back, flower crowns beside them, while pointing out funny looking clouds. Draco had once again felt the wards shift, Harrison suspected it was either Theo or Blaise.

His suspicion was confirmed when Blaise walked in, flower crown on his head. When Harrison raised an eyebrow, Blaise shrugged, "Draco refused to wear it, so gave it to me."

Harrison chuckled, "Fair enough, really I don't know what he's trying to prove."

"Probably his undeniable masculinity." Pansy quipped, giggling slightly. Draco, who had been standing behind Blaise then said, "Hey! That's rude, we all know that I don't have to prove my masculinity. It is undeniable after all."

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