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Pretty rushed at the end... sorry?


When the Christmas break finally started Harrison didn't bother going with the train. Instead Sirius took Harrison to his home- Grimmauld's place.

The place had obviously seen better days, it was a dark gloomy home, but Harrison didn't really mind. A few cleaning charms- which he really needed Sirius' help with, even if it was embarrassing to admit- later he was actually able to admire the old pureblood fashion this home was still in.

Modern pureblood's were too extra, while the older families generally chose for less luxury in their big houses. The founder's castles were a great example- even if it was just a holiday place for them.

"Are you ready for everything you need to do this holidays pup?" Sirius asked and Harrison smiled at the genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm just glad Lucius offered to take Voldemort in until he has a body, it would've been awkward otherwise."

"I'm glad he isn't staying in my house- our house." Sirius said and Harrison smile grew, "Thank you for taking me in. I really don't show my appreciation enough."

"I would've done it either way, those Potter's don't deserve you."

Harrison hugged Sirius, not the first time he had done that, but still one of the first time. Sirius was shocked, he could practically feel the man freeze before hugging back.

"Do you want to see your room?" Sirius asked, smiling at his son? Godson? He wasn't even sure what he would call Harrison now.

"Yeah- I mean of course." Harrison said and Sirius quickly led him upstairs, through the last room in a- what seemed like- never ending hallway.

"This was Reggie's- my brother's- room. He well- he died a while ago. It's the second biggest room in the house." Sirius said and Harrison looked at him in shock, "I can take another room- if you want to keep this one like it is."

"No- no, it's fine. It's about time someone takes this room, it's been a while." Sirius smiled sadly.

"If you're sure."

"I am, I really am." Sirius said and then turned, "You can call Kreacher to move your stuff, I have to go downstairs so Remus doesn't arrive to an empty house."

"Okay, thank you, Siri." Harrison said and Sirius walked away.

Harrison looked around the room, he had never heard of a 'Reggie' or well probably 'Regulus' he had to guess, by looking at the stuff in the room, before.

He had heard Sirius talk about his younger brother that joined the Dark Lord, of course, and he could only guess that that was the Regulus he was talking about.

It felt weird entering a dead persons room, trying to make it your own. Somehow, it felt wrong, a room was so personal, it basically told everything you had to know about a person. And just walking into someone else's space and claiming it as your own was not something that you could just do. Instead Harrison tried to do what he could to keep Regulus' stuff.

In the end he decided to take another room and make it an (almost) copy of Regulus' bedroom. Like this they still had the stuff and could do anything with it they want.

This took multiple hours, but it was worth it to see Sirius almost tearing up and thanking him at least one thousand times for not just vanishing all 'Reggie's stuff.'

After he was done with setting up that he made a small space for Ebony.

"Please, just tell me if you're cold. Don't suddenly start complaining." Harrison said, putting Ebony on his heating rock.

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