"In my defence- I was insane." - Tom 20x per day

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Hi hi, I'm back!


"We are going to Egypt next Monday," Was the first thing Sirius said when Harrison returned to Grimmauld's place five days later.

"What happened to 'Hey, How are you'?" Harrison asked, making Sirius roll his eyes. "I thought we were going to Romania again?"

The man nodded, "Yeah, we might, but Bill invited the twins over, in extend he also invited us. He's going to show us around old magical Temples."

"That sounds interesting."

"I thought you would like that," Sirius said, "Now how has the start of your break been, pup?"

"I'm glad you asked, pretty interesting actually. Although, I had to deal with a lot of political talk."

"Oh yeah, the whole teacher thing?" Sirius asked, Harrison honestly forgot Sirius was also in the Wizengamot, "Yes, that, and Dark Lordy business. Did you know there's a group of giants in Scotland? Pretty close to Hogwarts actually."

"Really?" Sirius asked, "I don't think I have ever seen a giant."

"I was surprised, too." Harrison said, "However, now we don't know what to do about it. We are waiting for Dumbledore to make a move."

"Sounds like you have been busy," Sirius replied and Harrison nodded, "I'm glad to be home."

And he was, although he had to admit slowly this place started feeling less like his home. That did not stop him from going to the Library, walking through the endless shelves of book to find something that sounded interesting.

When he eventually found a book on Runes, he joined Remus, who was sitting in the little sitting area. Sirius seemed to have taken the job of making the library a more comfortable place. The couches which had been standing here for what could've only been for at least a century were replaced by midnight blue couches, matching chairs on the side.

"Sirius did a good job buying these." Harrison muttered when he sat down, actually being able to sit comfortably while reading was never a negative thing.

"That's what I said when he came home with them." Remus said, looking up from his book. "When did you return from Voldemort's?"

"Just a bit ago," Harrison said, "I'm glad I came home today, though, since apparently we're leaving in what? Three days?"

Remus nodded, "I did tell Sirius to send you an owl."

"Did he?"

"He intended to." Remus said, "But he forgot. Don't worry, we're only going for a few days."

"That sounds like Sirius," Harrison laughed, "Well, either way, it sounds interesting enough to forgive Sirius for forgetting to tell me."


Egypt was beautiful. Bill and his team stayed in tents just outside an ancient temple, far away enough to not notice if there was any type of dangerous magic inside the magical building.

"Fred, George!" Bill shouted, the twins must be easy to recognize with their hair. Not that Bill wasn't easy to recognize, Harrison mused, the man was not just the only one with red hair, he was also the palest of the entire group.

Bill hugged both Fred and George. Fred tried escape, "Ew! You are sweaty, dear brother of mine."

"You're going to have to deal with it." Bill said, winking at Sirius, Remus and Harrison, who were looking at the brother reunion in amusement.

"Sirius, can we go back please? I don't want to deal with sweaty Bill hugs." Fred begged and Sirius laughed, "We're staying."


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