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 Kind of rushed, but 8k words lmao...

"You heard what Hagrid said, Hermione! There has to be something!" Hope's voice came from the back of the library. "Yeah and this Flamel guy obviously has something to do with it." Ron said and Hermione's less certain voice said, "Just because something was stolen and Hagrid happened to mention it and the Flamel guy doesn't mean that this school has something to do with it."

"Oh and the fact that Hagrid said, 'hey that's the vault Dumbledore made me go to to get something.' Wasn't a big hint that it did have to do something with our school?" Hope hissed and Hermione just shrugged, "I don't know-"

"Look something is going on in this school and I want to solve it, so has any of you seen the name Flamel before?" Hope asked and neither Ron or Hermione responded.

At least Harrison couldn't hear their responses. He had heard about Flamel before and remembered where; He had been reading about the philosophers stone. If the stone was in the school then that would be the reason Voldemort was here.

But could he trust something he overheard in a library, after one week of school?

No, he would wait, figure it out later. Harrison decided, maybe he would even go up to the third-floor corridor, he was still partly raised by Godric and would never let that side of him go.

Now, though, he wanted to make his assignments for the upcoming week and decided to put up a privacy spell. He had to concentrate.

He started writing his essay for Defence, it was mostly about vampires, which admittedly was kind of interesting. The homework had just been to research these creatures and write a paper about them, Harrison was okay with that, he could finish it quickly.

Afterwards he started working on assignments for Transfiguration and History, because surprisingly they didn't have any other homework.

When he finished all his assignments he used this alone-time to search for a portrait with all the founders, the Slytherins basically hadn't left him since he was sorted into Slytherin so he hadn't had the chance yet.

He wandered through the halls of the castle he had lived in for ten years and everything seemed to be like then again; he felt like he could run up to the now headmasters office and just find the old meeting room there.

This was something he thought about a lot the past week; he wondered if maybe his life could have been easier if he refused to go back to the present, stay with the founders and live a long happy life with them.

But he had to help this wizarding world, deep down he knew that, because no one else would.

No one else but the dark lord, who was currently still insane, that was.

In a hallway close to the astronomy tower he found it; a big portrait of all the founders, it had been easier to find it than he thought it would be.

Well maybe he had just hoped for a challenge for the first time since returning to this time, after all there were thousands of portraits of the Hogwarts founders.

He sat down in front of the portrait, cast a privacy charm- just to be sure- and awkwardly said, "Hi," To the founders, who obviously hadn't been paying attention to the people walking through this corridor.

"Harrison!" Helga said and Rowena literally cheered when she saw him, Godric offered him a smile and Sal just winked.

"Are all the portraits connected into having like one mind?" Harrison asked, he couldn't help it, Salazar had greeted him so casually. "Yes, actually. It's weird." Rowena said and Godric snorted, "She just finds it weird because this is one of the kind of magics she can't understand."

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